09 • Questionaire

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Authors Note : I'm gonna try the normal writing style. I was gonna save that until later on but I'm bored of the old writing style~ Enjoy! I also got a laptop for Christmas, so my updates will be on that. They will hopefully be bigger.

Shuichi stared at the smaller male clasp his hands together, his grin wide as his purple eyes sparkled in the moons soft light. Shuichi's brain was currently numb- this thought process slow and refusing to work for him any time soon. The silence drained on for a good two minutes, before the leader gave out an annoyed puff. "You do know how to ask questions, right? You could start dramatically with, 'Who are you,' 'Why are you doing this...' Or something.. Time runs out when I get bored~ I super duber duper promise I will not tell a single lie!"

He grinned as he remained by the door, amusement flashing in the others eyes. Shuichi shook his head in order to get his brain to work. He couldn't waste this shot. Not now, not ever. This could be his final shot. -Cue 'I'm not gonna throw away my shot.'- "How did you know my name?" Shuichi asked, remembering that he had called him by his name. He also remembered, not speaking his name any time at the party. So how did he know his name?

The leader gave out a small hum in admiration, his head tilting to the side. His dark hair followed after him, like a lost puppy in the woods. "I admire you, Saihara~Chan. You didn't start the way I thought you would. Back on the track of admiring you, as your admirer I just did.. Research." The liar giggled, as he leaned against the wood of the door. Honesty, it sounded more like stalking. Shuichi had also took note of the 'chan' that he had put at the end of his name. It would be a useless question to ask. Shuichi sucked in a cold breath, his eyes briefly closing. They opened as he asked his next question. "Who are you? Whats your name?" Shuichi asked, wondering if he would... Tell the truth. He did say he wouldn't lie, but that could have been just a lie in itself.

"Kokichi Ouma! The ultimate supreme leader!" The smaller male instantly said, his hands on his waist as he spoke. Shuichi forced the name into his head, as much as he didn't want to. He was going to tell Kirigiri everything he could then, through his thoughts, Kokichi gave out a small sound. "Ah! And no telling scary detective girl or else I'll have to blow up all your friends and kill your family." Shuichi opened his eyes in alarm, recalling what the male had just said. "Y-You can't be serious.." A bead of sweat built up on the detectives forehead, as he instantly passed off that as a lie. Kokichi shook his head with a small hum. "No no no, you must have forgotten already. I clearly stated I wouldn't lie! And I wouldn't lie about lying to you, Saihara~Chan~" Kokichi purred with a grin spread across his pale, child-like features as he watched the detective worry. Shuichi shook his head, as he asked his next question. "F-Fine... Whatever I.. Won't tell her. Do you have a.. Spy in the area..?" Shuichi asked, watching the males slightest movements.

"Mmm... Yup yup! They already told me you figured it out! For a gullible detective, you are quote good at figuring things out. I guess that makes you reliable, eh?" The leader mumbled the last sentence in thought, his head tilting to the side like a puppy. Shuichi continued to observe Kokichi, wondering if it would be as easy as asking who it is. Theres no point in wondering if you can just do it straight away. So, Shuichi fired the question at the childish male. "Who is it?" Kokichi gave out a hum, putting his hands together with a small clap. "If I told you, it would ruin the game. Shoot another question." Kokichi answered, avoiding the question. Shuichi stood his ground, not shifting back. "Don't avoid the question, Ouma. Who is it?" Shuichi asked again, more stern this time. But he should have realised that he was playing the game with the Supreme leader.

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