Twenty Four

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"What's the emergency?" Ryan asked as soon as I opened the front door to let him in. Cold air blew into the warm house as I pulled him inside and slammed the door. December 22nd. It was December 22nd, and I was holding an envelope from Stanford addressed to me. 

My mind was so haywire that I couldn't even take a moment to admire how the thin snowflakes rested on strands of Ryan's chocolate colored hair. Trust me, he was something worth admiring.

"It's here," I said. Ryan seemed confused. 

"What is?" he asked. I pointed at the coffee table by the couch that had a single, white envelope on it. He gasped in realization. "Did you open it?" I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair. 

"I'm too scared to open it," I confessed. Ryan laughed.

"Where's your mom and Chelsea?"

"Chelsea's at Jordan's, and my mom is sleeping, why?" 

"Oh, I was gonna ask why they didn't open it," he said with a smile. Ryan grabbed the envelope, and I bit my lip. He held it in his hands and grabbed the tab. He carefully ripped it open, and I could hardly watch. He pulled out the letter, carefully placing the envelope on the table as if it were made of glass. I watched his lips move as he read. He covered his mouth, eyes wide with shock. 

"No fucking way," he said. I felt dread fill my entire body.

"What?" I asked, impatiently. "What happened? What's it say? Oh, shit, it's bad isn't it? I got rejected, didn't I?" I nervously rambled, putting my palms together and pressing my hands over my lips.

"No, that's not...that's not it," Ryan said, dropping his hand from his mouth and gripping the letter with both hands now. I could faintly see the black ink through the paper, but I couldn't read it despite my best efforts. "Actually, they're giving you a full fucking ride." I dropped my hands to my sides as my jaw dropped to the ground.

"You're lying," I said firmly. He shook his head and gave me the paper. I skimmed over it. "Holy fucking shit!" I screamed. Ryan laughed. My heart was pounding the way it pounded when I was close to Ryan. This was a good sensation I was feeling. Not just good, the best I ever felt. I loved it.

"Isn't your mom sleeping?" he asked with an amused look. 

"I fucking got in, and I got a full scholarship!" I screamed even louder. I couldn't stop myself from showing all my teeth as I smiled widely. I threw my arms around Ryan. He hugged me tightly, practically crushing me, but I loved it.

"You did it, little scholar." I smiled widely and kept my arms around him tightly as he hugged me back.

"I can't believe it," I said in shock. 

"I told you! I so called it." I laughed and kept my arms around him tightly. 

"What's all the screaming about?" I turned around, sparing Ryan from my grip and looking at my mom as she descended down the stairs. I smiled widely.

"Look," I said, excitedly throwing my paper at her while my hand kept a firm grasp on it. She took it from me and read it. I saw her lips stretch into a smile.

"Alex, I'm so proud of you!" she said in the most motherly way possible, expressing pure love and pride. She hugged me, and the smile simply wouldn't leave my face. "I'd stay to celebrate, but I have to go to work. We can celebrate tonight, though!" I shrugged, my good mood undeterred.

"That's okay, you go ahead," I said with a smile. I saw her raise an eyebrow at me. "What?"

"What's on your neck?" I slapped my hand over my neck and knew I was a wonderful shade of red. I glanced at Ryan out of the corner of my eye who had his hand over his mouth, covering his smirk and looking away from me. No, the hickey he put on my neck hadn't gone away yet. 

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