Twenty Six

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The weather was finally improving. It was warm enough to be considered spring. Although it rained quite a bit, as per usual April weather, the flowers and trees were in full bloom. Beautiful plants were coming back to life after a deadly winter.

Besides that, the winter had been anything but deadly. I fell head over heels for Ryan. I was absolutely crazy about him. I jumped at any excuse to talk to him, and I lived for any reason to be close to him. All the time in the world with him still wouldn't be enough to make me happy. I needed Ryan like I needed air. As a matter of fact, the only thing that died that winter was Chelsea's crush on Ryan...which was definitely for the best. Also, not for the best, was my eyesight. Chelsea continued to tease me because I wore glasses, and she had perfect vision.

Since it was finally nice enough to be outside, my friends and I ate lunch outside. I sat next to Ryan, his arm in its usual spot, around my waist. I leaned against him, loving the comfort I could share with him. He practically lived with me. He rarely wasn't over at my house. Whenever he wasn't by my side, I felt like a piece of me was missing. It was as if a third arm had been ripped off of me, and even though I didn't need it, it felt like I did because I'd become so accustomed to it.

Ryan got up, nodding his head to the left when I looked over at him. I stood up and walked over to him. He grabbed my hand, placing his fingers between mine.

"Everything okay?" I asked as we walked towards the school building, painfully slowly. Ryan nodded.

"Graduation is next month," he said, somewhat somberly. I stopped walking, and he looked at me.

"So?" I asked. "Nothing is going to change. You're mine for good. We can figure things out as we go." Ryan laughed.

"You sound like me," he said.

"And you sound like me," I replied.

"Never thought I'd be worried about the future like this," he said. "I've never been so scared to lose someone. I've always wondered what I'd do if someone in my family died, and it never really bothered me, but thinking of you, alive and well, just not with me, that's probably the top three worst things I can picture." I kissed him. It was brief but nonetheless meaningful.

"You're never going to lose me. And I don't want to lose you, Ry." He smiled.

"I love when you call me Ry. It's actually really cute." 

"Whatever makes you happy, Ry." The grin on his face was like a flame under my heart, causing it to melt. I pulled him along by the hand he had intertwined with mine as we went to class.

The day went by quickly. Chelsea was going home with Ava, so I didn't have to wait for her in the parking lot. As usual, Ryan walked over to my car and smiled brightly.

"Sup?" he greeted.

"Hey," I replied, getting into my car and shutting the door. I pulled out of the parking lot and began driving.

"I really need a good nap," Ryan said. I laughed and shook my head. "Seriously, just like, three hours."


"Couldn't sleep."

"Why not?"

"I missed you." I rolled my eyes.

"You're a huge nerd," I responded.

"Says you, Stanford." I smiled and shook my head. I sighed as we got on the main street most people took when they didn't want to take the highway. "Alex, can we go on a date?" 


"Duh. You're my boyfriend, remember?" 

"Yeah, I remember, stupid." Ryan laughed.

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