Twenty Three

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"Alex," Chelsea's voice rang out right before my door swung open, and I, like the smooth and inconspicuous individual I was, fell off my bed. I muttered a few swears and heard Ryan let out a breathy laugh.

"Dumb ass," he mumbled. I held up my middle finger and sat up, looking at Chelsea. I'd known her for too long to be fooled by the fake smile on her face.

"Hey, Ryan. I didn't know you were still here," she commented.

"What's wrong?" I asked, completely stopping Ryan from replying. She looked down at me and shrugged.

"I know you were really drunk...but do you remember anything from last night?" she asked. I shrugged.

"Some things. Others are blurry. Why?" 

"Just asking, no reason," she said softly. "Let's hang out later, okay?" She turned and walked away. I quickly hopped to my feet.

"Hang on, sorry," I said to Ryan before chasing after her. She was sitting on her bed, on her phone. "Chels, what's going on?" I asked. She shook her head.

"You don't remember last night? Like, um, your twin senses were tingling..." she trailed off with a small smile. I gasped in realization. I remembered getting ready to beat the shit out of some guys for trying to take advantage of her. Fuck, how did I forget that?

"No, no, I remember that." Chelsea looked up, somewhat surprised. "Are you doing okay?" She nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I just wanted to...thank you, I guess? I don't know. I'm just so grateful for you, Alex." She stood up and walked towards me. I hugged her tightly, and she hugged me back. I smiled and shut my eyes.

"I love you, bitch," she said with a small sniff.

"I ain't ever gonna stop loving you, bitch," I replied. She let out a much needed laugh, and I kissed her cheek. "Don't thank me. I'd do anything for you."

"I know," she replied. "I really am luck to have you."

"Hell yeah, you are." She let go of me and sat on the bed. I sat next to her, just wanting to make sure she was okay.

"Also," she said after a moment of silence, "about you and Ryan..."

"Yeah," I mumbled awkwardly. "Sorry about not telling you about that." Chelsea shook her head and sighed, looking at the wall in front of her.

"No, it's not your fault. You were just trying to protect me and all. I get it. I'm a little pissed, but I get it. I made myself hard to talk to because I was so into him." I smiled a little. 

"I'm glad you're not too pissed."

"Well, not at you, I'm very pissed at myself."


"I should've been able to tell you two were together! You act so different around him!"

"What? No I don't!" I protested. Chelsea laughed and turned to face me. She shook her head and pointed her finger at me.

"Yes, yes you do!" she argued. "You laugh way more than usual around him, and you're way less sarcastic with him! You get so defensive about him, and all you do is smile. It's cute but so fucking obvious!"

"That's a lie! A complete lie!"

"Oh, is it?" Chelsea had a devious look on her face, and I raised a challenging eyebrow.

"Yes, it is."

"Ryan!" Chelsea bolted out of the room, and I followed quickly behind her.

"Chelsea, no! What are you doing?" I shouted, attempting to grab her. But she turned into my room and tried to shut the door. I pushed against it hard enough to keep it open but not enough to send her falling backward.

"Ryan, help me!"

"No!" I pushed the door a little harder, managing to slide through the door. Chelsea sighed in defeat as she fell against the door.

"Told you," she said with a deep breath. "...defensive."

"What?" Ryan asked.

"Chels, shut up," I grumbled in an attempt to be intimidating. Chelsea smiled widely. She sat next to Ryan, who seemed beyond perplexed, and I shook my head. I didn't even know what she was up to, but I felt uneasy about it.

"Relax, I just wanted to ask Ryan a question." I crossed my arms and pressed my back against the door. She raised an eyebrow to me and cupped her hand around Ryan's ear, whispering and turning her gaze away from me. I felt my nerves pique when she turned away from him, a cocky smirk on her face while he seemed unsurprising. I bit the inside of my lip.

Ryan stood up and walked close to me. I couldn't move any further back, and Ryan moved so his lips hovered next to my ear. I swallowed nervously, feeling my face heat up as he whispered, "don't have a heart attack on me."

He moved back, a satisfied look on his face, and Chelsea let out a weird, strangled-sounding squeal. I looked away from them, realizing what had happened.

"I told you he makes you act different!" Chelsea shouted.

"Oh, is that what's going on?" I nodded, and Chelsea laughed, enjoying her victory. I crossed my arms while Ryan smiled widely and shook his head.

"Anyway, there you go, point made. You have never blushed in your life, but he just gets close to you, and you look like a tomato."

"I hate you," I informed her.

"Sure you do," she replied happily. Chelsea stood up and kissed my cheek.

"Go away," I mumbled. 

"Fine," she agreed. "By the way, I'm so telling mom about this."

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