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• Emily's POV •

"Mum, dad what??!" I asked clearly shocked from the announcement my parents and the Mr and Mrs. Eduardo just said.

My dad smiled at me and said, "yeah Emily, your mum and I have been so excited to announce you this, we have already had this agreement since you were just 5, and now seeing how Aaron has grown to be a great man he is, we are now really sure that you are going to be okay with him," my dad said happily.

I am so shocked, so my parents and I went to this dinner, and out of nowhere, dad's bestfriends Mr and Mrs Eduardo coming in with a guy who I assumed is Aaron, and yes I'm right he is their son.

Aaron is a handsome 26 years old guy, I'm not gonna lie about it, cause yes he is. His eyes just so hypnotizing. To say that I like him just by looking at how good lookong he is a understatement.

But still, arranged marriage?

A moment later all I know is they talked about when the engagement should be dated. I just turn to see the Aaron.

He looked back at me and say that he wanted to talk to just me, I nodded then stood up and followed him behind.

"I agree to this whole arranged marriage cause well my parents is going to give me their company after I marry you. So that's why I agree to them, I have no interest in you. But I want to fulfill my parents' wish. That's the only thing they asked me. So you better say yes to them," he said out of nowhere.

"What do you mean? You just marry me for the company? What am I? A property?" I asked shocked in the millionth time today.

He looked at me, then said, "I'm not only marrying you for the company only. It's what my parents and your parents want. It means I'm fulfilling their wish."

"But I won't, listen to me, I don't want an arranged marriage. I prefer to fall in love then marry the guy I love," I said.

"Don't you ever say no, don't you want to marry me Emily? Don't you want to fulfill your parents' wish?" He suddenly became super close to me, and touching my cheeks with both of his hand. Making me face him.

"Don't you want to at least make them happy by saying yes to this? This is an agreement. You and I get to make our parents happy, and I'll get the company too," He asked again looking deeply into my eyes.

If earlier I said that I like him, hell now I might say that I'm starting to love his eyes. I was about to nodded my head. But then I remember, won't he regret just marrying me cause his parents asked him to? Will he stay faithful?

"But don't you have a girlfriend? Of course you have right?" I asked little curious.

"It's my problem to handle." He said

"You can't just marry me if you have a girlfriend," I said.

"No, I can, and the engagement is in 1 week from now, let's get back to our table and you'll say yes to this," he said.

"But I don't want to marry you for the company's sake, eventhough I want to fulfill my parents' wish." I said.

"Come on, this is simple, we could just get divorced like maybe in 2 years? Just tell them we didn't have a chemistry? By then they will agree with us. Just so they know we at least try." He said.

His words make me think a little. It could be true. I can make my parents happy with this whole arranged marriage, but then we would get divorced? Is this what I want?


I just got back from the what so called dinner with my parents and my future husband. Yes I just said my future husband cause I said yes to his plan. We agreed that we'll make the contract.

I kinda sad to be agreed to it but still it is better than I refuse the arranged marriage. I just hope I won't regret this later. The least thing I want is to disappoint my parents.


• Aaron's POV •

Hell, this day couldn't get any worse, I just broke up with my girlfriend, Gemma. And now my parents out of nowhere asked me to marry a girl I don't even know in order to give me the company.

It's getting complicated cause I don't know the girl, and I don't love her, but luckily this thing still can be handled cause Emily decided to agree on my suggestion to make an agreement on this whole arranged marriage.

We decided to have an agreement that this marriage will only last for 5 years. Cause I'm so sure that I don't want to spend the rest of my life with someone I don't love.

I'm gonna make the contract tomorrow. And then I'm going to have the meeting with Emily to talk about the whole contract. So we understand it clearly.

Words count: 870

Hi guys this is my 3rd stories hope you all will enjoy it!!! Don't forget to hit the vote❤️ thanks



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