CHAPTER 6 - Unwanted Wife

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Hello! Sorry for the late update! Been quite busy lately.

And here it is 'The Wedding of Aaron and Emily'


• Aaron's POV •

I'm standing in front of the priest, my family, my best friends and all of my dad's business partner. Waiting for my unwanted bride. My unwanted wife.

She is walking down the aisle with her dad, hand in hand. She's beautiful, I look at her as she smiled. For a second I'm biased. but I shook my head no, she's not my Gemma. She's just this one woman I'm going to be married on the paper only for 5 years. Then after that I'm going to divorce her. Got to inherit my dad's company.


"And I now pronounce you as husband and wife, you can kiss the bride" the priest said.

I leaned in trying to pretend it well, I didn't kiss her exactly on her lips, it just near her lips. I won't kiss her. No never.


"You're not gonna live with us Aaron?" My mum asked me.

The wedding party just finished, and now I'm sitting with both of my parents, my what so called wife and my in laws.

"No mum, I'm starting my little family, so I think it'll be better if I just stay with my wife. So both of us can get to know eachother better," I said.

Of course I don't want to live with my parents. I'm not actually married to Emily. And I don't want my parents to be suspicious. I can not act 24/7 on this contract marriage. I have so many more to be busy for.

"Or you both can just live with us," Emily's brother, Joseph said.

I smiled, "nope, I'm sorry. I just want Emily and I to get to know eachother better, and by better it means that we both would love to spend more time together, isn't it wife?" I asked Emily.

She blushed. Why did she blush like that? Shouldn't she know that we need to put a show like this for 5 years.

"Err yeah yeah. What Aaron said is true. We'd like to start our own family, Mr and Mrs. Eduardo, mum and dad." Emily said.

"Oh Emily just call me mum already, you married my son. You are already like the daughter I never have. If my son ever make you not comfortable just tell me ok?" My mum said.

"Ok, Mrs...erm I mean mum." Emily said.

"Don't dissapoint us Aaron. Treat her right. She's your wife. Your family. She's going to be the mum of your children. You disrespect her once surely you're going to lost my respect for you. That's for sure," my dad said.

I close my eyes. Not this again. I just nodded my head, "yes dad I know that. Now excuse us." I said then I took Emily's hand in mine.


•Emily's POV•

"You're going to sleep in this room, and the my room is just across yours. If you ever need anything just call me." Aaron said once we are arrived at his apartment.

"We're having a separate room?" I asked stupidly.

Aaron laugh, "of course Emily. You surely know that both of us sign a paper of a contract marriage. We're not gonna break it. Well I won't." He said

I nodded my head. Cause I don't know what to answer.

"Okay, I'm so tired so I'm going to my room now. Good night," he said and going out from my room.

"Goodnight," I said once my bedroom door closed.

This is not a marriage I always dreamt of. Not a happy ending I always wish for. Although I'm marrying a man that I started to fall for. But he's not gonna fall for me. And I'm just an unwanted wife of him, Aaron Eduardo.

How sad it is? .


A week after.

After our wedding, Aaron got an urgent call to Miami. And he just got back last night. So basically this is my first time preparing breakfast for him.

"Good morning, Aaron! I made you a sandwich for your breakfast," I said when I saw Aaron enter the kitchen.

"I don't know how do you like your coffee, so I'm asking you now, how do you like your coffee?"

"Erm, just a black coffee," he said. "Without creamer." He continued.

I nodded my head and make him a cup of black coffee. When I finish I return back to the table and hand him his coffee.

And then i take a seat in front of him and about to have my breakfast, then Aaron started the conversation.

"You know, you don't need to do this, Emily." Aaron said.

"Do what?"

"Cooking breakfast. Making me coffee. We are pretending to be a wedded couple." He said.

"I made mine, so I thought you might want your breakfast too. Don't be too flattered by a a sandwich." I said nonchalantly. "But since you think so, then let's be a proper wedded couple." I continued

Then he just level up his tone, "Listen to me Emily! We're not married by love, can't you understand that? I'm loving another woman. And I still want to chase for her." He said.

"But we are married Aaron. You signed a damn contract to be with me for 5 years. Either you follow what I said or let's just divorce now. I lost nothing, but you lost your CEO position." I said.

"I told you, you can have fun as how you want. You can date any other guy." He said.

"But I don't want to do that while I am married. Unlike some people I do have my morals," I said.

"No Emily! Don't! Cause this is a contract. Wake up and stop dreaming about it. I have told you since the very start!" He yelled and just leave.

I sit there, knowing my heart just break a little.



Shintya Theresha

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