Chapter 9 - Ruined and Broken

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I can not go out from my room, I can not bear the hurts. I hate myself that I easily let him get to me that easily. Why am I being this weak woman right now? Why love hurts? Does it always happen like that?

I heard another knocked in front of my room, "Mrs. Eduardo, here's your lunch, Mr. Eduardo asked me to bring it again." The maid said. I haven't gone out from my room for 3 days, I can not go out and see Aaron. It still breaks my heart and soul. I never know what he is capable of.

I never knew he would be this heartless. I mean with him dating his ex. I knew that would happen, but I clearly stated no other women or men should be involved as long as we are married. He breaks it. I have called my lawyer for filing a divorce.



Emily has been isolating herself in her room. Her lawyer called me yesterday, saying he would file a divorce which I denied. Telling him that I'll talk it out first with Emily. And it's been getting me crazy. She clearly didn't take any foods. I even asked the maid to bring it to her room. But the maid said she never touch it. She never even open her damn door. And it's been 3 fucking days.

I'm so stressed right now. Gemma is pregnant with my kid. And I'm trying my best to always be there with her. But now she's asking me to move her to my home too. Cause she wants to stay with me. How could I do that? Bringing her here. Emily is fuming and I don't want to upset her more. And I think I've been doing wrong thing to her.

I really need to talk to my parents. I knew how they would react. But I clearly need their advice now.

"Hello, dad..." I started. "I need to talk to you and it's not about Emily." I said and sighed. "I'll go to your place in ten." I said and then ending the calls..



I've just woke up from my nap. And then I don't know why but I just feel like I wanna cry. My tears started to go down from my eyes. Then my phone rings. My mother in law is calling me.

"Hello, Mrs..erm sorry I mean mum. Why?" I asked.

"No, I ok, but yeah it's hard. I don't think I can do it anymore, I want a divorce.." I said

"No.. no.. it's ok you don't need to go down here. Mum I'm truly broken. I can handle it." I said trying my best to not cry.

"Ok, I'll see you then." I said.



"Say it one more time!" My dad shout in front of me. I just told him and my mum that I got Gemma pregnant.

"Aaron I raised you better than this." My mum said.

I just looked down, "I know mum but I love Gemma. I can not lie about that. Both of you know that!" I raised my voice.

"Ok. Then why did you agree on marrying Emily?! My only daughter in law is Emily! End of discussion." My dad said.

"Dad come on. The one that is pregnant with your grandkid is Gemma not Emily. I need to be there with her. I need to keep her save. She's carrying my kid." I said

"You sure she's carrying your kid, Aaron? Not just some guy she sleeps and lost counted with?" My mum said harshly. I don't even know why my parents show their dislike in Gemma. But not Emily.

"The one that you should get pregnant is Emily, not Gemma, Aaron." My dad said.

"Did Emily know this Aaron?" My mum asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah mum she knows it. I kinda tell her when I'm drunk, and she wanted to get divorce." I said and bowed my head.

"She made a right choice," My dad said.

"We can not divorce dad. I kinda took advantage of her. I got angry. And I slept with her," I said and that is when I feel my face is slammed to the other side, I looked up and saw my dad standing in front of me. My hand went to my cheek. My dad just punch me. He never did that

"I CLEARLY NEVER RAISED YOU AARON!" My dad said. "You cannot just got another woman pregnant, and torture your wife like that! Get the divorce done! She shouldn't experienced that. How could you do that. How could you torture her like that? What if her parents know about it? What would he say? Her father is like a brother to me, I can not my believe, my son, the gentleman I thought I raised would ever do this, never. I feel like I don't know who you are." He said and the dissapointment clearly showed in his face.

My mum started to sob. "I've seen Emily grow up. She's sweet girl when she was little, I was so happy when both Emily and you decided to agree to our arrangement. Cause I know you Aaron won't dissapoint us. I thought you would always take a good care of her. Even after I warned you about Gemma. I told you that. I thought you would stay away from Gemma and start your own family. I was so happy that my son is marrying my bestfriend's daughter, but it was only in my imagination? I raised you better than that Aaron!" My mum said and her words broke my heart.

I looked up to both of them. "I know I know what I did is wrong. I'm trying my best to talk to Emily, but she won't coming out of her room," I said and look down at my feet.

My dad sighed. "ask Gemma to abort the kid," he said sternly.

I looked up at him, "no, I will never do that. That kid you just ask to abort  don't even know a thing, she/he doesn't deserved to be aborted" I said. "I can not do that, dad. It's my kid." I continue.

"Aaron, your dad is right." My mum said.

I shook my head no and looking to both of them, "I could never do that. It's my kid we are talking about. It's your grandkid you are asking to abort," I said.

My dad sighed. "That is all you can think about?  Aaron, it is wrong. And you know how Emily's family going to react. I can not do that to them. To their daughter. Accept her divorce." He said.

"Ok, I will try to ask Gemma to abort the kid. And I will never divorce her dad." I said.

"What's the point anymore? Get the divorce done, set her free." My mum voice got trembled. She got her phone in her hand and got up from her seat, "Hello, Emily...." She said.

Words count: 1199 words.

That is the update! Hope you all enjoy it. Don't forget to hit vote if you enjoy it.

Ciao, Shintya💙

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