Chapter 3 - Engagement

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By the way, happy new year!!


• Emily's POV •

Today is the day. I'm going to get engaged to Aaron, this while engagement was being handled my my mum and Aaron's mum. Not gonna lie I'm getting a lil excited.

Not because of the engagement, but because I will not need to stress about it. Cause both mum doing the stress with what theme of the engagement should be and stuff.

I'm still not happy with myself tho. To say that I'm dissapointed with myself is an understatement. I hate why it should be arranged, why I should sign the damn paper.

Now, it might be ok, but what will happen once my parents know about it? I am already planning the divorce even before the marriage started.

I know it is fucked up. There is nothing I can do to make the situation better. And I hate it. I can feel my tears is going to go down from my eyes.

Why I made a stupid decision?

This clearly is not a thing to be played. It is marriage. Why I just realized this now?

Without me realizing my tears have already fall down. The door of my room is opened, "Emily, baby, your make up artist has just arrived, let's get you ready," my mum said happily.

I can not bear it, she is so happy, my mind was interruped by my mum next word, "baby why are you crying?" She asked me.

I just shook my head no. "Nothing, I just get sad, it means I will be leaving this house soon," I said try to find a reasonable reason for my mum.

Then my mum laugh, "Amy, oh my God you almost make my heart drop, I thought you are going to back off from this whole arranged marriage." My mum said.

To be really honest, she suddenly gives me an idea. But I shook my head no. It will be fucked up too if I back off, cause surely Aaron will get super angry too.

"Listen to mommy, Amy, this house, is your home. You can always come here anytime you want. Okay? Plus it doesn't seem like you are always home 24/7 back then, you are so busy with your career, that made me had to call your assistant to cut your schedule so you can have a day off." My mum said.

I laugh, mum was right I was always too busy to have time with them which is why I am sad for. "Mum, I love you so much," I said. "oh, you only love your mum?" Suddenly my dad appeared in my room too. I look up at him and stand up to hug him.

"Daddy, you know I love you so much too. I promise I'll make you and mommy proud of me." I said while I let another tear slides down.

"Emily, your mum and I already so proud of you when you accepted our wish for you to get married to Aaron. He is a nice guy. I watched him grow up. His parents raised him well. And I'm sure he's going to treat you like a princess you are to me. And daddy loves you so much to my Amy," my dad said and hug me tightly.

Listen to his words make me feel guilty more. And I think he doesn't know who Aaron is. Clearly Aaron suggest us to make the contract for the marriage.

"Oh I just remember, your brother will come back for your married, he just called me earlier this morning. He said he can't be missing his one and only sister's marriage." My dad said.

My brother, Joseph Fransisco, he is a business man, starting his own engine company when he was only 20 makes thing greater for him now, cause now at the age of 28 he is this what people called as succesful bachelor and a great young businessman, he also owns an Italian restaurant in 20 countries, got his own car leasing.
He is so succesful and thats why I look up to him to start my own.

And he had already said that he doesn't want anything to do with my dad textile company. That's why dad said he will give his company to me once he is retired. Tho I of course complain. I didn't even know how to run a company. And I guess there is where my dad find an idea to arranged the marriage.

"Really? Ah I miss him so much, it's been so long since I last met him." I said.

"Now you get ready cause your make up artist have been waiting for you," my mum said. I laugh, "oh my God, I clearly forget about it," I said jokingly.

Then my dad look at me, "my little Emily, you grow up so fast. My little girl the one who always cried when she didn't get her favourite dolls and barbies are now getting engage!" I dad cheered happily.

"Daddd, don't continue it," I said and blushed.

"Hahahaha no matter what you'll always be my little girl Amy." My dad said.


Word counts : 883 words

Hope you all are enjoying don't forget to vote and leave comments!


Shintya Theresha

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