Chapter 15 - Shocking News

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All the colors drained from my face. That can not be true. I look at Aaron's mum, "of course I'm not pregnant." I said groggily.

"Yes, she can't be," Aaron said.

"Why not? And why can't? Both of you are a married couple," Aaron's dad said.

Aaron scoffed, "mum, dad... You know damn well we are not that happily married couple." Aaron said.

"Let's just get you to the doctor appoinment Emily," my mum in law said.


I am now at my bedroom, clearly nervous for 11am. Both of my in laws are wanting to take me to the doctor appoinment. They even called my parents to join us.

"Emily, please tell me you are on pil when we are..." Aaron said once he came in to the bedroom.

I shook my head, "no Aaron. I was a virgin..." I said but Aaron cut me off.

"What? Are you serious? Jesus! I'm so sorry Emily, I don't know," he said.

I laughed dryly, "that's all you can say? It's been 2 months since it happened, and you just say sorry?" I said.

He was about to argue with me, but I cut him off again, "no Aaron. Not all girls are just throwing themselves to men. And I'm surely not one." I said.



I'm actually so nervous, I'm now driving while Emily is in the passenger seat, I looked at her.

She looked out to the window, and silently said, "I'm actually scared Aaron," she said.

Then she looked at me, "I never wanted to destroy anything or anyone. Not even your relationship with Gemma. We shouldn't sign that contract since the start you know. We shouldn't have agreed to this marriage. We shouldn't even think about it in the first place," She said then tears started to fall.

I look at her, then back on the road. "Hey hey, don't be like that. You are not ruining anything. Not even my relationship. You told me you didn't want any other girl involved. And I am the one who break it. Don't worry about that. And Come on Emily, there's still a chance you are not pregnant," I tried to reason her.

"But there is a bigger chance that I am, Aaron. I can not bring another baby to be in this lies. We cannot ruined that baby's life," she said her voice trembling.

Then she look out at the window again, wiping away the tears from her face. "I don't even understand why I'm so emotional lately. I should really stop. All this crying is making me weaker." She said.

"Emily, I don't even know what to tell you actually. But I will be there for you. For our kid?" I said, trying my best to calm her down.

"I wouldn't want to have a kid with a hateful man like you too! You have ruined my life. And I wouldn't want my kid to have a father like you!" She shouted while crying.


"Amy!" Her mum said after she saw Emily is out from my car. I stop the engine, and get out too.

"My Amy, I'm so happy to be here at this moment, you know I called Joseph, but he's not in the London, so he said he's sad to be missing today." Her mum said.

I looked at her dad, and nodded my head, "how are you, Mr. Fransisco?" I asked.

He smiled at me, "I'm good, Aaron. I hope you are too." He said nicely.

I looked at Emily, she really looked so sad. And I don't know how to cheer her up. I sighed, then walked to her, shaking my hand with her mum and smile.

Then I hold Emily's hand, "come on, I want to talk to you," I said.

"What Aaron?" She asked.

"Come on, don't be so sad. At least not in front of your parents," I said.

"How can I not be sad? Let's just call this marriage off. I don't care about the contract anymore. Let's end this. Please?" She begged.

I looked at her, my heart ache from the words she said. Did she really hate me this much? All the words from her today is clearly hurting me. And I don't know why.


My name just got called and now I'm coming in to the room, the doctor asked me how I have been feeling.

Then I told him how I felt. "Let's get you tested first.

"Calm down, don't stress yourself Amy," my mum said. I looked beside me, and see Aaron, he just smiled at me.

The doctor come back, the smile is on his face, "I'm so excited to announce to you guys that Mrs. Eduardo is 7 weeks pregnant, and what she's been experiencing now is a morning sickness." He said.

I felt like my heart stop beating at that time. Tears started to cloud my eyes. I cannot bring this baby in to this unhappy family. This all was just a contract. I looked at Aaron, he just looked down with his hand holding mine, he squeeze my hand a few times. I feel my mum and my mum in law hugged me and saying something but I just can't hear them. I suddenly feel lost. My breath got hitched. I started to feel I can not breath. I started to sobbed. I can't say a word, and everything is a blur before I know it all I can see is black.


Words count: 932 words

That's for Chapter 15! Enjoyy. Hit votes + comment for a feedback..
Ciao, Shintya💙

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