How to get to a Thief

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Rose POV

Bye Livie, I whisper to no one in particular. Now back on the streets I go. Well I find out how much of an idiot I am. It's nighttime, I'm on the streets, I don't have anywhere to go now, and I don't even know how to find Kaito. Just great!

You know sometimes the universe doesn't quite hate me. I walk by a still open store and there's a wall of TVs. On the the news Kaitou KID has a heist at the Beika Museum at 9:30. I look at the bottom of the screen 8:47! I might just have enough time to make it.

Another dumb idea has just filled my brain! SCORE! Two dumb choices in one day new record. Anyways by the judge of his note he plans to escape by the "wondrous blue", which is obvious that he's going to use his hanglider and fly off the roof. While the police search the ground I can just slip into the roof access. I mean I am a child!

Asking for directions I head towards the tall building.


Oh fantastic already reaching my limit! I haven't even started climbing the stairs and already I fell so tired. Now that isn't fair!

Looking into the reflection off of a window I see my face hide a tint of red. Feeling my forehead I can already tell I am getting a fever. Isn't that just great, it's like no matter what I do my body just needs to remind me of how much weak I am. I refuse to give up! This won't stop me. I have to warn Kaito that Snake aren't the only ones after him. Who knows Poison might even be here tonight!.

Struggling to keep my balance I trudge up the 30+ floors. The elevators are out because of Kaitou KID's heist. Thanks KID!

You know sometimes it's like there's a writer behind me and just likes to screw around with me! I mean at this point there could be a... I don't know baby writing my life and I just happen to get all the crappy ideas! For all I know I'm a character based off the author trying to let an audience enjoy a story she's had and wanted to share.

Hey! You're not allowed to break the fourth wall!

Just watch me!

You won't get very far if it starts snowing


*Proceeds to fix up the 4th wall casually*

Anyways it's hard enough to breath at the moment I've only gone up 18ish floors and right now it's 9:23. I have to go faster!

Leaning my small body against the railing I take a breather. Are you giving up? Do you want to be like this forever? Are you going to stay this weak? I don't know where that voice inside me is coming from, but NO I WILL NOT LET MYSELF BE WEAK! I WILL SAVE KID!

As a reply I feel unmeasurable pain coursing through my entire body. It's the same if not worse than becoming a child, I was reverting back into a 16 year old! Not that this makes any sense, but my heart is pounding and I feel everything going fuzzy for a few mins.

Finally the process is complete and I stand as a teenager, however I am still tired and out of breath. I managed to pack one pair of teenage clothes luckily. I change quickly, well there wasn't really any reason to because everyone is at the heist downstairs.

Soon I hear a loud bang and "Ladies and Gentlemen I call you all to be my witness, the scarlet jewel is mine tonight!". I need to hurry!

Making my way to the top I scan the area. The roof is railess, perfect for escaping. I stand almost near the edge to breath, and take in the scenery. Back at home there would never be an opportunity for me to see this. The lights of the city and the hum of traffic. It's kinda like music. If you listen closely it's like there's a melody.

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