What it Means to be a Kaitou Thief (Part 2)

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Kaito POV

She just walks out of the KID cave, like she owns the place! I broke my poker face for like the 5th time today! It was already obvious she suspected me as KID, but she didn't have to prove it by going through the painting!

It's strange her 'sister' Linnea didn't bother coming to pick her up, and ended sending her a box, but there is something more to her.

She isn't a normal 6 year old! She reminds me of that brat Conan. Just thinking about how many times he's almost caught me made me cringe a bit. It was about midnight and I went up to the guest room. I am keeping her here, despite her saying she won't tell anyone, it's hard to believe a 6 year old.

The door was open just enough for me to see her kneeling on the bed looking out into the night. "Somehow we've ended up crossing paths before my plans set into motion, how I wonder will he react when he sees his old friend", she laughs a bit to herself and begins a silent trail of tears. It seems like she's been doing that frequently.

How can such a young girl hold so many tears? What has she gone through?

She puts her head on the sealed window. Letting sleep overcome her, she falls asleep in the odd kneeling position. Jii comes up the stairs and I put my index finger to my lips signaling she's asleep.

I open the door all the way and pick up the sleeping child. Once again my eyes fall to her bandaged arm. It looks like an old wound, but it isn't even close to healing. I slowly tuck her into the covers and take her backpack off. She doesn't take it off ever, so I assume it has personal value, I didn't dare to look in it.

I head back to the painting of my father, to clear my head out I go inside. Already I notice a few things out of place. A few of my suits have been shoved aside, and my little trinket weapons are lying on the floor!

I search around and my father's recording starts playing, "sometimes the most unlikely of people become allies in an instant, keeping a poker face is important and always keep your guard up, but don't forget an angel's smile". Odd, when the usual recordings play they aren't as cryptic as this.

What exactly happened here? I look at the records and a whole new batch of records are stacked in order. "An angel's smile"? What could that possibly mean? Maybe it was her- no that couldn't be. Dear readers, I hope this doesn't sound repetitive, but back when I was starting off as The Phantom Thief I met another thief. Strange how Japan has so many fakes using the phantom thief name as their own. The small girl was different though. I had never heard about her, yet she just appeared one day and I immediately started to trust her. What was her name again... Angel Kaitou Rose or something?

She knew what it meant to be a Kaitou thief though. She would challenge me to heists. I paired up with her 3 times, but then she just disappeared. Could father be talking about her? It wouldn't make much sense seeing how he never mentioned anything, yet again he kept being a phantom thief from me.

With such thoughts clouding my mind I couldn't sleep. The only thing that could keep my mind off of this, was to tinker with KID's gadgets. I'm not much of an inventor as Jii's friend is, but I needed time to plan my next heist. With the kid here I have to be more watchful. I could leave her with Aoko, but her dad's the inspector and she's a kid! She'll probably expose everything! Now that I think about it... she could have gone through the portrait!

Damn! this just makes things a whole lot harder! How could she have gotten in. The only other way to open the portrait is to use the proper sequence to move the lever, that's in the bar! Rushing over, I spot the evidence a puddle of soda! She was here! How on earth could she figure this out!

Still in a panic Jii comes over, "young master, the advance notice is almost ready". In a few weeks I plan to take a peek at the Diamond Fairy. The Suzuki mansion has recently added a new jewel to his already mass collection. There isn't much to really say about the gem. It's a clear green diamond in the shape of a fairy sitting on the top of a flower. The only thing that caught my attention was the fact that Jii found that the original owners donated the diamond because they felt it carried some sort of curse. It was made in a collection, Jirokichi Suzuki wants to complete. A series of I think 7 different jeweled fairies.

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