The Light that Fades

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Detective in the light

Livie POV

I believe it to be better to just forget about all this confusion of memories. I have school today and I had to sit with Shinichi- I mean Conan for like 8 hours just to get back to Japan. I fell asleep so I don't even know if we took a plane, boat or a car.

I had a restless sleep, granted sleep but I'm still pretty tired. I don't want to go to school, but I need to keep up some sort of appearance. I was already spotted by B.O-

Wait? What? When?

I was spotted by B.O, but I can't remember when?

Maybe I went through something traumatic? Since I'm technically 6 years old right now, if such an event were to occur, then as a coping mechanism I'd forget the incident?

I'll have to research this later, afterschool... and a nap.

Michael and Gabriel have been very quiet lately. When I first woke up they were arguing with each other for some reason and now they won't even look at me.



"What happened after I blacked out?"

"So you don't remember?"

"No? Am I supposed to?"

"No, its fine, its better you forgot"


"You'd be better off if you didn't know"



The conversation didn't go any further as he dropped Conan and I off to school.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

Today is actually pretty interesting, it was story time and our teacher read a fairytale called the Queen of the World.

It was a young girl, she had always been interested in magic, in the world magic was common. She had 4 friends and together they wanted to show the king of the country that they had talent. The girl's name is never mentioned. She ended up screwing up, she stole a scroll with forbidden magic, her friends went along with her and they practiced every day to master a spell to show the king. In doing so they believed they would get acknowledgement from the kingdom that they were talented and could join the magic knights. Unfortunately she messed up and ended up discovering that all the practice was for nothing, the king became immortal, exactly the way the spell was supposed to work. However this was a curse to her, the king ended up going insane and she was cursed to forever stand by his side to make up for her mistake. 

To be honest I was confused as to why the teacher was reading this kind of a story for 7 year olds. Though I think everything happens for a reason.

If we have time tomorrow after arts and crafts, she'll read us the ending. There has to be a happy ending right?

Anyways, school ended and I was ready to sleep until the angel of death walked beside me.

Conan spoke, "Hirota"

"I told you to just call me Bluebell"

"Sorry, Bluebell, I need to talk to you"

"About what"

"Your sister"

"What do you want to know about her?"

"Where is she now?"

"Staying with a friend"

"No, I mean where is she exactly. The day she left you, you had no other reaction, as if you already knew what she was doing. And ever since you both showed up KID's heists have been becoming more difficult"

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