Secret Help

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This may get a bit confusing, if it does don't hesitate to comment!

Rose POV

Barely walking straight I continue to follow the mysterious woman in white. Stopping a few times to catch my breath, I maintain a close pursue. We end up in an apartment complex. She steps in and moments later I follow.

The lights are on and she sits on a couch with the other two members of this white mask party. Not realizing I am doing so, my arm clutches my hurting shoulder. They all look at me and to be honest it's kinda AWKWARD! I am the one to break this silence though, "so you guys going to tell me why you helped me, or why you asked me to come here?"

"Ella is you is it not? Your sister is Lily?", the woman spoke up.

I don't really know how to respond to that, I assume that's the name for the twin that I took place of. Think! How do I respond?!

I Know! Think of something witty!

"It's rude to ask someone's name before giving you own"

Noticing this hesitation in answering the masked people must have though I didn't trust them or something. "It's just the three of us, we are known as The W.W, Michael, Gabriel, and I am Laila".

I am not that satisfied with the answer, but continue in with a half truth.

"My name is no longer Ella, I go by a different name".

Which name do I use?! Rose or Linnea?!

I guess when in kid form Rose, but teenager Linnea.

"I am Rose"

They finally start talking, "have you ever thought of different dimensions?" I freeze for a moment.

"Just how much do you know about me?", when in reality I was asking, "how much do you know about the girl I've taken place of?"

The one named Gabriel spoke up,

Your name is Ella

You are actually 16 years old,

You have a twin sister named Lily

You are a phantom thief

You've partnered with the first Kaitou KID 7 times and the new one 3 times

You started your thief career at 9 years old

You disappeared for 7 years

You are known as The Rose Kaitou Angel

You haven't told your sister about your secret life

You now live in an apartment in (random place) with your sister

You've had special powers since you were two years old

You and your sister have been pronounced dead a year and a half ago

I wasn't really sure how to respond. Apparently I have subconsciously chosen a similar lifestyle to Ella. She was a Kaitou Thief, what are the odds?!

But the last thing was what really got to me, "dead a year and a half ago", do they know I'm not her! Are they suspecting me of identity theft?!

I continue to look at the ground and somehow they aren't suspicious at all. I think about their names Michael, Gabriel, and Laila. They all are angel names! Connecting them to their meanings Michael is the Angel of loyalty, Gabriel is the Angelic messenger, and Laila is the Angel who oversees and protects children. W.W... w.w... White Wings! That's what connects it all together!

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