What it means to be a Kaitou Thief (Part 3)

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Now listen up! It's my turn to put on a show! Th center stage is finally MINE!

Kaitou is kinda just hanging out on the ceiling. He can't really untie himself without, your know falling.

Now all eyes are on me. At first it's really silent, but then the crowd begins to react.

At first all of KID's fans begin to display their absolute disgust for me. Hey just as Kaito always says its a crowd of critics.






Geez man! Does Japan really hate me! I come out of hiding and this is what I am greeted with!

Fine I'll just have to show them something they won't forget!

Once more getting into position I readied myself for my first live performance. A simple snap and the lights burn out. It's all dark now, but a single spotlight centered on me. Giving a mischievous smile I snap again and the light flickers and I'm gone. I've 'disappeared' behind Hakuba, I carefully swipe the Scarlet Jewel from his hands. You should've seen his face! It was so hilarious. I mean nothing beats a teenager looking like a ghost stole his lunch money!

I started laughing ultimately blowing my cover and the police has their lights in my face. RUDE!

Time for the real show!

Waving my arm in front of me I create some sort of rainbow piano in the air. I know it sounds weird and silly, but it looked amazing in contrast the the darkened room.

Illusions are really hard to create, so when no one was looking I grabbed a few blocks of colored glass and a little flashlight on the ground. Using levitation I raised the glass blocks to look like a colored piano. With the Scarlet Jewel in my hand I knew there was something Kaitou wanted everyone to realize, there was something more to the gem, and like most of the gems he finds they have some sort of special meaning, or have pictures stored within its core. If I flash the right light color I may be able to reveal something hidden inside.

That's why I need the different colored glass piano tiles. Hitting the flashlight from the bottom the light goes through the glass, changes its color and shines through the Scarlet Jewel.

Enough about the science behind my tricks! I perform my show now!

Third Person POV

The Rose Kaitou Angel had the audience right where she wanted them. Entrapped within her magic everyone stayed silent as they finally took notice of the young girl's presence.

The colorful floating piano of glass began lighting up one by one to reveal something different in the jewel. The purple light showed pictures of a young girl in a flower garden with roses all around. The orange light showed a smaller baby boy posing for a picture with his dog. The green light showed a pair of teenage twins, both were identical boys. The yellow light showed pictures of an entire family of six. The blue light showed a picture of their mansion with images of every end of the large home, as well as some staff.

And finally the magician in training took off her white gloves. Touching the jewel with her bare hands for the first time. To complete the assortment of colors the gem glowed red. Since Linnea had abilities her natural flow of energy was extorted through the gem. The healing glow calmed everyone. Hakuba backed off and became entranced within the light. Kaitou, who was still tied to the ceiling, stopped struggling for a moment and simply gazed in the calming light.

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