The Other Side

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(Did anyone miss me? Well... too bad! I'm back and I have more inspiration for this story than ever! Please comment any suggestions about either Linnea or Livie!)


Livie POV

I know what you're all thinking 'Linnea's life is way more interesting than Livie's, and I just want to hear more about the thieves' well yea, living life on the edge isn't something only Kaitou KID can do! I've been living quite the life on my own I'll have you know!

After Linnea left me that day, I realized how much our presence has changed the plot. Conan never made it on the train where there was to be a bomb and mistaken a couple of trench coats for B.O. I actually ended up taking his place, it was one heck of a day!

Conan ended up getting sick, somehow. And I had to go with Ran instead, with the detective boys. I knew what was going to happen so the case was closed pretty quick.

I saved the day though?

I wonder if this means I'm the main character now?!

Just kidding

Anyways I live with Dr.Agasa, Gabriel and Michael. It's a long story, but yea, they saved my life and I in turn saved theirs. We've become friends.....

And that's why I'm hanging off of the Statue of Liberty. I don't mean a few feet high, I mean I'm literally hanging off 10,000 feet in the air right now! (didn't actually do the math or research anything)

Sighing I kinda just hung around, waiting and waiting for Shinichi to save me.

I know I sound like a damsel in distress, but I don't exactly have my weapons on me. Or any means of saving myself.

My hands were slipping and to make matters worse, he was there. Standing at the tip mocking me. Peeling my left hand off the balcony of the Statue of Liberty's torch. With only my right hand left, I held onto that pole. The entire series depended on me not dying right now.

Now that I think about it, if I fall right now, thousands of lives are at stake. I have information that no other person in this universe knows. As long as I live Poison cannot succeed, you know if I don't die right now.

A few seconds and he's fed up with this game. He's had his fun, and now it's time for him to run.

Plucking my right hand from the pole, I have no choice, I let go. The world went in slow motion, I couldn't hear myself breath. My heart was beating rapidly, my vision was failing, I was hyperventilating.

And within another world stopping second..... I'm saved

I don't believe I told you what the heck I'm talking about. I just thought that you'd want some action before I bore you all. Well....

My life is not as easy as it seems especially with B.O and Poison on my back. Conan is way more Conan than I thought. Shinichi is handsome and Ran is trying to cope with everything. I know her whole story was meant to center around her loyalty to Shinichi, but in this reality she isn't that obsessed with him. She has a life too guys!

Anyways, none of the cases we've solved so far has anything to do with what was canon in the anime. Michael and Gabriel are always by my side. They explained everything to me from my counterpart Lily to their mission to protect us.

At first I didn't believe them, but Linnea confirmed it and she has Laila with her.

Today was suppose to be any other day.

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