The Aftermath

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sure siakis plan wasnt perfect but he coukd be expected to wipe everyones mind, or shut down all power. he did though, switch as many phones as possible to delete pictures. but once something is out, its out. even siakis powers couldnt erase this mess.

Currently he enlisted teruhashi to go around and tell/text as many people as possible that her BROTHER was the one who 'photoshopped' the pictures and proceeded to send it to anyone he could in hope to hurt siaki and kiadou.

because of course teruhashi's brother was being 'overprotective' and not a total creep at all who wanted her for himself.

it was a totally beliveable story, and it also may prevent a few boys from going after teruhashi in fear they will be targeted next.

If people are gonna believe that or not, is gonna be another story. siaki hoped for thr meantime that everything will die down and everyone will believe kiadou is the center of some cruel prank.


Siaki popped up outside kiadous bedroom door using his powers (he already listened to see if his mom was home, she wasnt)

siaki knocked gently

"g-go away" a whimper called.

'this is so embarrasing. I cant believe this happened. i didnt want siaki to even take the damn picture. god it was so gross. why do i feel so gross? wish i could just crawl out of my skin." kiadous thoughts were running around quickly again.

siaki opened the door. instantly dodging a ... teddy bear? that was thrown at his face. well okay he deserved it.

"why are you here! i told you go away!" he whined thinking about how mad he was at siaki.

"kiadou... baby, i know you are upset. Im taking care of it okay?" he said stepping closer. kiadou melted at being called baby but that wouldnt get rid of his current anger. it wasnt going to be that easy.

"taking care of it?!? there would be nothing to take care of if you didnt take that stupid picture!"

"I know I know, but you looked so nice, I wanted something to remeber that moment by. that reaaaly nice moment. " he smirked. of course he had a photograhpic memiry but nothing was better then seeing in with his own eyes instead of imagining it.

"NO EXCUSES!" He screamed. "you knew how i felt but i let it go... i thought i could trust you."

"you can. it was teruhashi who leaked it. she broke into my locker and went through my phone."

"so its teruhashis fault? shes perfect... why would she do something so evil?"

"because shes jealious of you.."

"of me? but why... she has everything." he whispered

saiki stepped closer to where kiadou was in the corner with a blanky, knees pulled to his chest. he grabbed the stuffed animal previously thrown at his head and brought it to kiadou and sat next fo him on the floor. he wrapped his arm around him.

"not everything. shes not as cute as you, or sweet, or funny, or even a good person like you are. you are amazing."

kiadou leaned into the touch for comfort' he was still mad though he thought to himself.

"wow. shes jealious of me... thats crazy." he said in a hushed tone.

"shes going around school telling everyone right now that the picture was photoshopped. that it was all a prank."

"do you think thats gonna work?" he asked hopefully.

"i hope so, honey. I really hope so."

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