Getting Frisky

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"so no tv?" he laughed

"uhm.. we can stop.  I just wanted to take... initiative." kiadou said awkwardly.

"I'm joking."  he said and touched the boys face.  "I apreciate you making the move.  Do you wanna do it?"

kiadou knodded eagerly.  

"I wanna be better than him." he whispered. 

"then no." kiadou raised an eyebrow to siaki saying no. 

"why?" he whined.

"Because we are gonna do this because we are in love.   Not because you have something to prove to me, or youself, or him.  Im not gonna fuck you just because I fucked someone else." 

"but i dont want you to get bored of me.  wont you go back to him?"

"never.  he was just... a moment of weakness.   I woulda fucked anyone at that moment.    but i havnt since.   not since I wanted you."

"okay... can we still do it?"

"Not right now babe.    Maybe when the moods right.  Im not gonna let you regret this.   okay?"

the white haired boy knodded quickly feeling rather stupid for trying to jump him because he was jealous.  


siaki ordered the two of them some pizza and wings and snuggled up on the couch together.  
siaki went downstairs and grabbed the pizzas when delivered. he set them on his kitchen counter.  kiadou followed down the stairs. 

"im starving" he said and siaki looked back to see him in boxers and one of siakis t shirts, and it was a bit baggy on the smaller boy so it went to his mid thigh.

"when did you change?" siaki asked.

"when you were paying for pizza."

"hmmm.  suddenly im hungry for something else." he said eyeing the boy.

"we can order Chinese?" he asked casually without realizing what siaki meant.

"no, im hungry for you." he said grabbing the biy by the hips and lifting him with ease to sit on the kitchen counter, kiadou let out a squeak and grapped siakis shoulders.   siaki stepped between his legs and ran his hands to kiadous waist. 

"oh.. me." he squeaked.   "uhm, Im not sure how Id taste tho." he said awkwardly and siaki smiled.  he leaned forward and kissed the boys neck softly.  kiadou moved his hands to counter and touched paper.  oh right that envelope.  should he interupt him to remind siaki of this paper.... it can wait. 

saiki was wearing his ring so he didnt know where the boys head was at.  he liked this nervious feeling of not knowing everything.  his heart was pounding so hard.  he grabbed the boys legs and pulled him closer to the edge of the counter so he could grind his hips into kiadous.  the smaller boy let a moan out. 

"you okay?" saiki asked burying his face into kiadous neck and giving it a nip

"mhm" he moaned as saiki sucked on his neck. 

siaki ran his hands up the boys legs to his boxers waist band and tugged them down and off. 

kaidou let out a shriek being exposed and covered his junk with the oversized tshirt. 

"baby, its okay." siaki cooed as he grabbed the boys hands and put them to his side and slipped up the tshirt.  siaki  crouched down onto one knee and shoved his face between the boys legs.  he started kissing his thigh.   kiadou threw his head back against the cupboards and closed his eyes as he moaned.  his hands went to siakis hair.   siaki got closer and closer to kiadous dick as he left a path if hickeys. 

before touching the boy he pulled off and stood up and took his shirt off.  kiadou looked at him.when he felt him pull away and his eyes went wide as he watched the boy strip.  he swallowed hard, nervious. 

"I want you." siaki siad pulling the oversized shirt off his smaller lover.  

"uh. o-okay yeah." kiadou nodded eagerly

(oooo cliffhanger)

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