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   "Mr. Stark," FRIDAY said, interrupting the quiet breakfast the Avengers had been having. "Peter Parker is waking up." Tony stood up, almost knocking the rest of his coffee onto Wanda. She stopped it from spinning as he pushed his chair in and ran to the bedroom he had placed Peter in an hour ago. He opened the door slowly and saw Peter laying there, arms wrapped around a tear-stained pillow.

   "Hey," Tony said quietly. Peter looked up and saw his mentor standing by the door. He started walking towards the bed, sitting on the side.

   "Hey," Peter said, sounding like a small child once again. His grip on the pillow tightened.

   "How are you feeling?" Tony asked though he believed he already knew the answer.

   "I feel sick," Peter said in his quiet tone. Tony nodded.

"That's natural," Tony replied. "Do you want some breakfast?" Tony was worried about Peters fast metabolism.

"I don't feel very hungry," the younger boy replied. Tony nodded, understanding the feeling.

"Do you need anything else?" Tony asked him, shifting slightly on the bed. Peter shook his head. Tony stood up, ruffled Peter's hair, and left the room. He walked back into the dining room and saw the rest of the crew cleaning up to the best of their abilities. Pepper hadn't moved seats.

"How is he?" Pepper asked before Tony could do anything else. Tony just shook his head.

"Anybody else wants to talk to him?" He asked, hoping that something somebody would do would bring back the same boy he had met. The one who got excited about even the simplest of things.

"I'll try to talk to him," Pepper said. She stood up, smoothed her pencil skirt, and took a deep breath. She walked to Peter's room and knocked.

"Come in," she heard a hoarse voice say quietly. She opened the door and saw Peter, tear streaks running down his face. He looked like he had aged twenty years since she had seen him last Thursday.

"Hello sweetheart," she said, walking over and sitting by him, back leaning against the bedpost.

"Hi miss Potts," he said. "Sorry, I'm causing so much trouble." Pepper felt her heart shatter even more. Here this fifteen-year-old boy had lost everything and was still worried about others.

"Peter Benjamin Parker you have never caused trouble," she said quietly. She started running a hand through his hair, and he started to calm down and even turned so he was laying and facing her.

"Do you need to talk about anything?" She asked. Peter shook his head no. Then they heard another knock. Tony opened the door and saw Peter and Pepper. He smiled a little. He walked in and sat where he had earlier, grabbing his fiancée's other hand. After a few minutes of this, Peter finally said something.

"Are they going to put me in foster care?" Peter asked, and it was clear that the previous events were starting to click into place.

"We don't know what's going to happen, but we promise that we will help in any way possible," Tony said. Peter nodded.

"I'm really sorry. I know that this isn't exactly ideal for you guys," Peter whispered.

"I swear to god underoos. Do not apologize. There is a reason I put my name on your emergency contact list," Tony said. Then, somebody else knocked on the door. They looked that direction and saw Wanda, Natasha, and Clint. They walked in slowly. This little fifteen-year-old boy had become such a big part of their lives. Even a part of their ever-growing family. They all walked towards the bed as well.

   "Hey Peter," Clint said. Peter smiled a tiny bit, which made Tony feel slightly better.

   "Hi, Mr. Clint. Miss Natasha. Miss Wanda," Peter replied.

   "How many time do we have to tell you," Natasha said quietly. "Call us by our first names. And call me Nat."

   "Okay Nat," Peter said, feeling like he was a part of the group. She smiled, and looked at Wanda, motioning for her to go talk to him.

   "Hey Parker," Wanda said. "We're all really sorry for your loss."

   "Thank you," Peter said. He smiled at them and they realized how much they cared for this boy in front of them.

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