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   Peter woke up with a hand in his face. With further inspection, he saw that it was Nat's hand, and she was laying on the couch and her arm was hanging off. He turned onto his side and saw the rest of the group. Clint and Sam were sleeping sitting up against the wall, Tony slept on another couch, with Pepper sleeping on his chest, his arm wrapped around her waist. Wanda sat on Vision's lap and had her head tucked into his shoulder, Steve and Bucky were cuddling, and Rhodey was on a chair, with about seven blankets over him. Bruce was nowhere to be seen. Memories of the night before resurfaced themselves in Peter's mind and he blushed.

   'They probably think I'm weak,' Peter thought to himself. He didn't want anyone to think he wasn't strong, because he was. He had lost his entire family. That can only make you stronger. He could only dwell on his thoughts for a second before Natasha shot up out of her sleeping position into a fighting stance, startling Peter. Realizing she wasn't in her room, she looked around the room frantically but calmed down when she saw Peter sit up.

   "Whoa," She said, holding her head and shaking slightly. Peter stood up and sat by her.

   "Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded, but her face remained pale.

   "Yea just had a nightmare," she replied. "We all get them. You're not the only one." This made Peter feel better, knowing that he isn't the only one who gets scared every once in a while.

   "Need to talk?" Peter asked like they had asked him last night, but Nat just shook her head. Peter gave her a hug. It took her a second, but then she hugged him back. "Just checking." He knew that Natasha Romanoff was not good with feelings and emotions.

   "Let's start some breakfast," she said standing up and leading the way to the kitchen. When they walked in, they saw Bruce sitting at the table, reading glasses on, and reading the newspaper.

   "What's up Doc?" Nat joked. Bruce laughed lightly and looked up, putting his paper and glasses down.

   "The sky," he said, continuing the joke. Peter leaned against the wall, mind not completely here. He was thinking about May. He only looked up when he saw someone snapping their fingers in front of his face. It was Clint. He looked up and saw Sam, Bucky, Steve, and Clint had all entered the kitchen. Peter shook his head to clear it and gave the group a forced smile. They all raised their eyebrows but decided not to question it. They all started at breakfast.

   "Hey, bud. Feeling alright?" Nat asked. Peter nodded, but his eyes were glistening. He looked like he was on the verge of crying. "Thinking about May?"

   "Yea," he said, wiping the I shed tears from his eyes. "I'll be alright though."

   "Hey, Peter. We were wondering if it would be alright to hold a funeral for your aunt?" Nat asked, even though they had already started planning it. Peter nodded.

   "Definitely," he said. She smiled at him, then pulled him further into the room so he could grab a plate. The others woke up shortly after, and soon the table was filled. They all talked and laughed, even though Peter just stared down and didn't say anything. He also didn't eat enough for his fast metabolism, and it didn't seem like he was listening to the conversations around him. When breakfast ended, he just left and walked into his bedroom. Everyone looked the way he went, then looked back at each other, quickly discussing the situation at hand.

   "I told him about the funeral," Nat said. Everyone nodded, knowing how hard it must have been for him. It would make this feel so much more real then it had been.

   "Did he take it well?" Vision asked.

   "I think so. He is still so shaken up," Nat replied.

   "It's going to take him time," Steve said, grabbing Bucky's hand under the table. This kid had become so important to the Avengers.

   "Can I go talk to him?" Wanda asked. Tony and Pepper looked at each other, then nodded.

   "Be careful," Pepper said. Wanda stood up and ran to Peter's room. She stopped to catch her breath, then knocked on his door. A small voice from inside replied and she walked in.

   "It's just me Pete," she said. He was laying on his bed, hugging a pillow, but moved over so she would have room. She hopped on and laid beside him, head on one of the then pillows, hair cascading across the bed.

   "Hi," he said. Wanda immediately had a flashback of after her brother died. She had done this exact same thing. Locked herself into her bedroom and stayed in bed whenever she could, and Wanda told Peter this.

   "But how did you get better?" He asked his friend. Wanda smiled at the memory.

   "Tony took me in, just like he took you in. I'm only seventeen years old. Barely actually," she started. "I found a family here. You're a part of my family too you know." Peter smiled. "I just started getting better. It still hurts every day, but now I can smile about it." She finished and Peter looked like he was taking everything she said in.

   "Thanks, Wanda. I'm thankful I have a friend like you," he said. They sat up and hugged, Wanda's arms around Peter's neck and his arms around her waist.

   "Like I said. We aren't just friends. We are family."
Hey everyone! Thanks for reading! Please follow me, like and comment. I am planning on posting a WandaXPeter (spiderwitch) story, where the two are both seventeen. How would you guys feel about that?

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