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TO: m.white@gmail.com

FROM: aj.white@gmail.com

SUBJECT: Stella Meets Principal Brenigan


"Well, I think that Stella's still working through some anger issues about moving." Mrs. Yamada says, briefly glancing at her daughter.

"Yes, I can see that. But I'm afraid that shirt is . . . " Principal Brenigan has no words for her shirt.

"What? Is there a dress code here?" Stella asks defensively.

"Well, heh, no, but there is an unwritten line, and that shirt crosses it." Brenigan sags.

"What about freedom of expression? Do you have that here?" Stella asks.

"Stella, just . . . cover up for the day, okay?" Mrs. Yamada takes off her suit jacket and hands it to her daughter.

"Stella, is it? I run a tight ship here. I don't know how they did things back in Rhode lsland, but in my school, students respect the rules. Written . . . and unwritten." A couple appears looking around at the cameras while they slip class, Mo and Scott.

Stella looks stern Brenigan and the couple.

Then Brenigan catches on and grabs the remote, starting to press buttons.

'Come on, come on." He mutters until it finally pauses, catching their faces.

-AJ White

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