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TO: m.white@gmail.com

FROM: aj.white@gmail.com

SUBJECT: Mo gets a detention, but her boyfriend gets . . .


"So...?" Scott asks Mo.

"Detention. But at least we'll be together, right? "No sighs, putting the detention paper into her bag.

Scott is silent.

"Right?" Mo asks him.

"No, he actually let me off with a warning." Scott says, running his hand through his hair.

"A warning?" Mo asks incredulously.

"Yeah. You know, I got soccer practice, some big games coming up. I just can't miss them. But I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Scott explains, like this makes his not getting a detention any better.

"Yeah, sure." Mo lies.

"All right." Scott smiles, kisses Mo's forehead, and leaves.

"Unbelievable." Mo mutters, heading towards her class.

-AJ White

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