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TO: m.white@gmail.com

FROM: aj.white@gmail.com

SUBJECT: Charlie lies to his mom.

DATE: September 1

"Charlie!" Mrs. Delgato shouts to her younger son, walking into the garage which has been cleared for his drum set.

"So? How were soccer tryouts?" Mrs. Delgato asks, hope shining clearly through her eyes.

"Well, um they were . . ." Charlie starts to tell his mother the truth, but when he sees the hope in her eyes, he decides differently.

"Great." Charlie lies.

"Oh!" Mrs. Delgato smiles happily.

"It went . . . It went great." Charlie repeats his lie.

"I knew it. I knew it. Mwah." Mrs. Delgato kisses Charlie's cheek before pulling him away from his drum set.

"Why don't you come in now and hit the books? You're never gonna make it to Stanford with your brother whacking away at these drums every day, are you?" Mrs. Delgato asks her son rhetorically.

"Come on. Start with your math." Mrs. Delgato pulls her son into the main part of the house, to where she has his homework all sitting out, ready for him to finish.

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