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TO: m.white@gmail.com

FROM: aj.white@gmail.com

SUBJECT: The Underground


"You lost?" A boy asks Stella as she steps off of the elevator that leads to the basement of Mesa High School.

"Oh, no, I'm just looking —" Stella starts, waving her pink Detention slip.

"Detention, huh? Follow me." He says, starting to lead Stella through the hallways.

"What is this place?" Stella asks him.

"This is the underground." He states.

"Robotics club." He features towards a room of people working on what is supposed to be a robot.

"Hey, Alex. You working hard?" He asks a girl in an electric wheelchair who is messing around with something on the table in front of her.

"Shakespeare society." A girl is on the stage in a room which has a background of ancient times behind her.

"Chess club. He hasn't found a partner in months." They go down the stairs into another sublevel to see a guy sitting next to a small table which has a chessboard on it. They are him move one piece and place it down before going back to staring at the board.

"Ballet." Stella sees a ballet studio where a girl is dancing , twirling.

"Mathletes." Kids are writing down extremely hard match problems on a chalkboard they have on the wall.

"Art club." A small room is filled with kids painting.

"Even the school newspaper." The boy states, looking at a pretty blonde girl sitting there writing on a typewriter.

"Victoria, you doing good?" He asks her. She smiles warmly at him.

"Anything that doesn't fit Principal Brenigan's mold, you'll find it down here." He tells Stella.

"Oh. This is my stop, AV club." He says.

"You're telling me Brenigan just stuck your clubs in the basement?" Stella asks him.

"Pretty much. Unless you're wearing a varsity jacket or a cheer skirt, you're basically—" Stella interrupts him.

"Invisible." She states.

"See? You're catching on already. Detention's at the end of the hall. Don't get on AJ's bad side. Good luck." He smiles at Stella and then turns towards his club.

"No, guys. You keep doing this wrong." He groans and sighs, helping them as Stella goes down the hall and sees the Lemonade Machine.

There is a moment where the stars align and fates collide, creating that perfect union. This was that moment.

-AJ White

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