Chapter 8

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I walk back to the meeting room after tying my shoes up, taking extra long. I don't want to spend a day with Demi and whatever his name is. I want to lay in bed.

Miss. Carrie says goodbye and I am led by Demi to a fancy car outside the building. Or at least, I think it's fancy, but I've only been in two cars from what I remember. She starts to open the door across from the driver's, but I don't know how to open the door. I don't want to ask either. She looks back and notices me standing there, then opens the door for me and helps to strap me in.

"Where do you want to go?" she asks once everyone is seated.

I shrug my shoulders.

"Have you ever been to the children's museum?" she questions.

I shake my head.

"Do you want to go there?"

I shrug.


We drive for a while and I start to feel a little but more relaxed from the movement of the car on the road and watching the buildings move past us. When we come to a stop, we are outside a building that looks really weird, but kind of cool.

"We're here," the man says.

Demi helps me out of the car and we walk into the building. I notice a bright flash from the distance, but, since I don't want to talk, I don't tell anyone.

"So, Lillian," Demi asks, "do you like animals?"

I don't know, so I shrug.

"Well, we have the play exhibit, the animal exhibit, the space exhibit, and a lot more. Do you want to go to the animal one first?"

I shake my head.

"Okay, do you know about outer space? It's where all the planets are. Do you want to go there first?"

I nod, slowly.

"Okay, then."

Demi and the man walk just in front of me, looking back every few seconds. It's not like I'm going to run; where would I even go?

We step into a room and I see a lot of kids. The walls are different than normal and there are a lot of cool looking things. Some of them seem scary, but I cautiously walk up to a platform like the one at the doctor's office, only it's bigger. I pick that because there aren't any other kids there.

"This shows you how heavy you are on different planets," Demi explains.

I step onto it.

"Look!" Demi exclaims. "You would be less than zero pounds on Pluto."

I wonder what Pluto is, but Demi tell me. "Pluto is a very small planet that is far away from Earth." She points to the center of the room. "It's the smallest one there."

I walk over to the many objects that are coming out of the huge on in the middle. I reach out to touch the smallest one.

"Pluto is purple," Demi says, "but I honestly don't know how they know that."

What even is purple? The question is burning in my mouth, but for some reason I cannot say it. Instead I just nod.


We spend a long time at the museum before it is time to go.

"We have to get you back in time for supper," the man says as Demi is strapping me into the car.

I nod to agree with him, although I don't want supper. I am hungry after being busy all afternoon, though.

When we get back to where I am staying, Miss. Carrie comes out to bring me inside for supper.

Demi and the man say goodbye to me and I follow Miss. Carrie inside.

"Was it fun?" she asks me.

Fun? I don't remember having fun a lot, but I nod. The afternoon was good, or at least better than I had though it would be.

"Good. Would you like to eat your stew with the others today?"

I shake my head.

She hands me the can and can-opener along with a spoon, and I walk up to the room and sit on my bed. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to leave with Demi. It's just the man that I'm a little worried about.


I know that this isn't the best chapter, but writing anything with Lillian not speaking and not knowing much has been a struggle for me. Still, I hope you enjoy!

Next Update: Saturday

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