Chapter 27

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Demi's POV

Lilly still struggles with her crutches. It is adorable though, how Wilmer carries her around. She can start putting weight on her ankle again in two days.

We've been planning her 10th birthday party for the actual day of her birthday which is in five days. My family and Wilmer's family are coming. Some of them have never even met Lilly. We are just hoping that she won't get too scared with so many strangers at our house.

When I wake up, Wilmer isn't in bed, so I walk to Lilly's room and, as expected, he's reading with Lilly. They've really bonded over these past few days and I'm happy to see it. I never had thought that I would get to see Wilmer be a father.

"Good morning," Wilmer says, looking up at me as I enter the room.


"Demi, can we play some piano today?" Lilly asks.

"Sure, as long as your ankle feels good enough."

"Okay. It's almost better. I can't wait 'til I can walk again."

I smile at her newfound enthusiasm. Recently, she's become quite talkative around Wilmer and I and has been more open with her opinion. It feels like we're doing something right with her.

"Well, we are finished our book, so why don't we go do something else?" Wilmer says.

"Can we watch a funny movie?" Lilly asks.

"Of course."

Her love of funny movies is so adorable. Now that she's more comfortable around us, her laugh comes out in squeals, and I love watching her reactions more than I enjoy the movies a lot of the time.

Wilmer picks her up and we make our way to the living room where I select a child-friendly comedy that Lilly hasn't seen yet and set it up in the DVD player. It's an older movie, "Freaky Friday," from 2003, but I think she'll still enjoy it.

After spending the morning with Lilly and Wilmer, I call my mom. Since Lilly seemed to like her when we were visiting, I assume that she would be a good person to leave Lilly with. Wilmer and I have an interview today and Lilly has another appointment with the counselor a little later in the afternoon.

"What would you like for lunch?" I hear Wilmer ask Lilly.

"Can we have macaroni and cheese?" I love how excited the small things make her. I hope she's always like that because it's a quality I wish I could find more of in myself. Her optimism is incredibly strong and I hope she knows it.

"What do you think, Demi?"

I pause and look at Wilmer. "Sure."

Lilly struggles on her crutches to the kitchen and Wilmer helps her sit down at the island where she can watch us prepare lunch.

After lunch, Jill and Caesar come over to get us ready for our interview. My mom comes as well and once Lilly's warmed up to everyone, Wilmer and I tell her that we'll be back after her counseling session as we get ready to leave.

"Will you pick me up?" she asks.

"No. My mom will be there waiting for you, okay?" I reply.

"Okay. You'll be back for supper?"

"Of course," Wilmer says.

"I'll miss you." Lilly walks over to us to give each of us a hug.

"We'll miss you too. Have fun!"

We drive to the location where the Ellen show shoots and where our interview will be. Since we've mostly stayed out of the public eye since adopting Lilly, we know how excited our fans will be. I feel bad to not be working much, but as soon as Lilly has an easier time trusting others, I'll tell her about my job and bring her to the studio with me if she'd like.

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