Chapter 34

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Lilly's POV

I'm really sad when Nevvy has to go home, but I go to play piano to take my mind off it. I don't want to think about how her parents could be hurting her. I wish that we could do more about it.

After playing a few songs, Demi comes to tell me it's time for lunch. I'm not hungry. What if Nevvy doesn't get to eat lunch?

"Lilly," Wilmer looks at me while we're all still sitting at the table. "Did you ever meet someone named Lizzy at your uncle's house?"

I think for a second. "I don't know. There were some other girls, but I never learned their names."

"That's okay."

"Why do you want to know?" I ask.

"Well, Lizzy is going to have a baby and we were thinking that we'd maybe adopt it because she doesn't want it."

"Why not?"

Demi answers, "Because she didn't like your uncle and it's your uncle's baby."

I nod. I hope they aren't trying to replace me, but they seem to like me enough to keep me.

"Okay. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We don't know yet."

"Well, I hope it's a boy. I don't want a girl to replace Nevvy... I only need one sister."

Demi and Wilmer seem relieved; maybe they were expecting me to get upset. I'm not. Having a baby around here could be fun; I like little kids.

Wilmer comments that he has a meeting to go to, so Demi suggests that her and I go to the music room. 

We play piano for a while, before I ask, "What does Wilmer do to work?"

"Well, he is an actor, so he is in movies and TV shows," Demi says.

"Really? That's cool. Do you have a job?"

"Right now, I'm taking a bit of a break from my job, but yes, I am a singer."

"So like, you sing songs for money?"

"Yeah, exactly like that. Of course, it's a bit more complicated..."

"That would be awesome. Do people play piano for money, too?" I look at Demi.

"Yes, some people do."

"I want to do that."

Demi smiles. "That's a great idea."

When Wilmer gets back from work, we eat some supper, then we spend the evening sorting through my presents. We make piles for things I want to keep, things to give away, and things that I might like once I'm older. I got a lot of clothes and Barbies, but a lot of it will be given to kids that actually need it.


The next morning, Demi and Wilmer had a meeting with the adoption agency that they adopted me with to talk about the girl names Lizzy's baby. That meant that I would go to Demi's mom's house to play with Maddie until lunch. Now that my ankle's better, I can actually do stuff outside.

At their house, Maddie introduces me to one of their smaller dogs and we play with him outside for a while. I used to be scared of dogs, but I don't think I am anymore.

We go to McDonald's to pick up lunch: fries and chicken nuggets, one of my favorite meals. We eat in the park that is part of our fenced in neighborhood, which I now know is because Demi and Wilmer are famous.

Once I'm almost done eating, I ask, "Will you be adopting the baby?"

"We think so," Demi replies, "but we still have to finalize everything."

"Cool. So when will we get the baby?"

"Well, it should be born in December some time."



Demi's POV

I didn't have the heart to tell Lilly that we were under questioning for being bad parents to her. After lunch we go home and watch a movie with her, while I braid her long brown hair. We got it trimmed when we first adopted her, but it was very long and I don't know if I want her to get it cut. I used to wish for hair this long.

I play Barbies with Lilly while Wilmer makes supper. She's become quite obsessed and I love watching her play. She may have been through a lot, but when she's playing in her room, she seems so innocent.

We eat supper around the table and talk about simple things. The whole time we're talking, I'm thinking about how Lilly could be taken away from us. We may have only adopted her a few months ago, but I don't know how I could ever go back to life without her.

Once Lilly is put to bed, Wilmer and I talk in our bedroom.

"Did you call Lizzy today?" I ask.

"Yeah... she said that she'd send her permission to the agency," he replies.

"Well, let's just hope we're cleared then."


So, this chapter is a little shorter than my chapters normally are, but I feel like this is a good place to end it. Plus, I really wanted to update on Demi's birthday, so I hope you enjoy!

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