Chapter 30

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Lilly's POV

When Wilmer and Demi take me to the tea house, I feel like I'm free. I used to be scared in places I'd never been before, but this time, I'm not. It's very beautiful there and we take family pictures, which means we really are family.

The lunch is really good too, only Demi and Wilmer seem a bit worried and I'm not sure why. I thought we were having fun.

We head back home after lunch. I can't help but think about how much Nevvy would have loved this place. Running through the grass reminded me of when Nevvy and I used to get outside and play together; I miss that.

Back at home, Demi lays me on the couch to rest my ankle. It's starting to hurt again since it's still healing, so we ice it while playing Go Fish, which they just taught me. I win, but I feel like they're letting me on purpose.

We eat supper together and Demi helps me get ready for bed before Wilmer reads to me. I breathe deep when the character in the book mentions their sister because I want to see mine.

"Are you okay?" Wilmer asks.

I feel a tear drip down my cheek.

Wilmer hugs me, then leaves the room, coming back a moment later with Demi.

"What's wrong, Lilly?" She hugs me quickly, then sits down beside me.

"I miss Nevvy," I say.

"Well, why don't we plan for you to go over to her house tomorrow? We have a few things to do to set up for your party, and we can invite her to come too."

"Okay, but why couldn't you adopt her too?"

"Because she's already adopted by another family. They love her and she loves them, but that doesn't mean that you and her aren't still family," Demi says.


Once they've put me to bed, I take a short time to fall asleep. I dream about Nevvy and all the time we used to spend together. I can't believe how much I miss her.


Demi's POV

After we put Lilly to bed, I call Nevvy's mom to ask her about Lilly spending the morning there tomorrow.

Once I've hung up the phone, I sit down on our bed beside Wilmer.

"Do you want to listen to the voicemail now?" he asks, holing up his phone.

"Sure... I don't know why I'm so nervous..."

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

Wilmer starts to play the voicemail. 

The voice on the other end begins speaking. "Hello, Wilmer and Demi Valderrama, I am calling to inform you that Lillian's uncle will be in jail for the next few years. As we are selling his house, we were wondering if you would like to go there and see if there are any of Lillian's things that you may want to pick up. Please call us back once you get this."

Wilmer sighs. "Do we want to?"

"If it could be tomorrow morning. That way Lilly will be gone and she won't know."

"I'll call them back then."

Once it is agreed that Wilmer and I will be visiting Lilly's uncle's house in the morning, Wilmer and I get ready for bed.

"Thanks for today, by the way," I tell him once we're in bed.

"No problem. I know this time of year is always hard for us, so I thought we could use some new memories."

"It was perfect."

I fall asleep smiling.


The next morning, I help Lilly get ready for going to Nevvy's house. She's never been before, so I'm hoping that she doesn't get too nervous in the new place. I'm hoping her sister being there will be enough.

Both Wilmer and I drive her there as we'll be leaving for her uncle's right away. When I walk Lilly up to the front door, Nevvy opens it before we even reach the porch.

"Hi, Lilly!" she exclaims, obviously excited.

"Hi, Nevvy," Lilly says, hugging her little sister.

"I'll be back before lunch," I tell Lilly before walking back to the car.

"She'll be okay, won't she?" I ask him, worriedly.

"She will."

We drive to her uncle's house following the directions from the agency. He lives pretty much in the middle of nowhere; it's no wonder it took so long for her to be found.

We pull up the long driveway and get out of the car. A lady from the agency is standing at the front door to let us in.

"I have another case to attend to, but I will be back within the hour," she says. 

Wilmer and I walk into the house.

It's obvious that Lilly's uncle was forced to leave on short notice. The house looks run down and messy. The paint on the walls is peeling and there are dishes on the counter. I cannot believe Lilly spent six years of her life here.

She had mentioned living in the basement, so Wilmer leads us through a creaky door and down the rickety staircase. 

The basement is plain and empty. All that's down there is a large freezer, plenty of wires, the furnace, and an old single mattress. I blink back a tear, realizing that's where Lilly had to sleep.

I walk over to the freezer and glance behind it. I grab a blanket from the hiding spot and take it out.

"Do you think this was hers?" I ask.

"If so, it's the only thing that was," Wilmer replies.


Wilmer and I both jump up hearing an unfamiliar females voice from upstairs.

"Mark! Are you here?!"

I look at Wilmer; his eyes show fear.

"Hide!" Wilmer whispers.

I jump behind the freezer holding Lilly's blanket. I can't help but wonder if this is how she felt every day while she was living here.

I hear Wilmer walk upstairs, but after that I can't hear anything he does.

I stay behind the freezer for a while until Wilmer comes and helps me get out from behind it.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"She's still here," he says. "She was looking for Mark, Lilly's uncle. Apparently, she's pregnant with his baby."

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