Chapter 26

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Lilly's POV

When I wake up the next morning, I remember that my ankle is hurt, so I stay in bed because I cannot use the crutches properly. I'm such a failure and now I'm hurt too. What if I'm stuck in bed for a whole week?

I lay in the bed for a while, then hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I answer.

Demi and Wilmer both step into the room.

"Good morning, Mija," Wilmer says.

"What's that mean?" I ask.

"Mija means 'my daughter' in Spanish," Wilmer replies. "Are you okay with me calling you that?"


"Do you need me to help with your crutches?" he asks.

I nod and he helps me stand up with the crutches for support. I take a few jumps with the crutches before I have to stop.

"How about I carry you to the living room?"

I smile and Wilmer picks me up and brings me to the living room where we eat yogurt for breakfast and watch a funny movie. Before coming here, I had never really seen anything funny, but I'm glad that Wilmer and Demi introduced me to it.

"Why do you want to call me your daughter?" I ask Wilmer.

"Because, well, you are now officially our daughter."

"How does that work?"

"We adopted you. Now, don't worry, it won't change anything," Demi says.

"Okay." We continue watching the movie.

It's weird to imagine having parents. I barely remember my own parents, and the things I do remember of them don't include what they looked like. I only have a few memories from when Nevvy and I lived with them, before they died. Still, Wilmer and Demi feel more like my parents than anyone else I know.

Once the movie is over, Demi asks me what I would like to do. 

"I don't know," I tell her. I don't really feel up to doing anything with my hurt ankle. I wish that I hadn't fallen last night. "Can we watch another movie?" I ask.

"Sure. Do you want to pick?" She got up from the couch and walked over to the movie collection.

"I don't know any movies. Just pick one I'd like," I say.

"So, your birthday's really soon," Wilmer starts as Demi gets the movie set up. 

"What are you supposed to do for your birthday?" I ask.

"Well, normally people have a party where they eat cake and open up presents," he says. "We'll just have some family over if that's okay with you, and by then you shouldn't need your crutches anymore."

"Okay. Why does it matter?"

"Because it's exciting that you're getting older and it's your first birthday with us, so we want it special," Demi replies.

I understand why they want to celebrate, but I don't need all this. Being here with Demi and Wilmer is already a present for me because it's been very good so far.

"Does this mean I have to call you 'mom' and 'dad'?" I ask.

"If you want to, you can, but we don't want you to unless you're comfortable, okay?"

I nod. I wonder when I'll be comfortable with the idea. I'm not used to calling anyone those things and I think it would feel weird. Anyways, as we watch the movie, I barely pay attention because I'm thinking of all the new changes in my life recently and realizing that I don't mind change as much as I thought I would.

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