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Lilly's POV

8 years later...

"Lillian Lovato-Valderrama."

I stand up and walk to the stage of the auditorium. The school principal shakes my hand, giving me the diploma I've worked so hard to earn.

I look out at the audience. I've adjusted to crowds after playing with Mom during her tours, and, after I joined a band, I decided that I enjoy entertaining a crowd; it's being in a crowd that makes me nervous. Mom and Dad are the first I see in the audience, standing up and clapping. Nevvy is beside Dad, with Eliza and Mia beside her. Nico, my nine-year-old adopted brother from the Colombian orphanage Eliza owns, stands beside Mom.

I smile before making my way to where the new high school graduates are standing, hugging each other and celebrating their freedom from high school.

If anyone would have told me eight years ago that I would graduate from public school and have so many people I love in my life, I would have never believed them. But, as it turns out, starting public high school after all those years of homeschooling was one of the best decisions I ever made.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Mom asked.

"I'm sure," I replied, slipping my phone into my pocket and putting on my backpack.

"Please call if anything goes wrong. I'm in the studio in the morning, but I'm leaving to pick up Nico from kindergarten at lunch."

I could tell she was nervous. Nico's first day of kindergarten, my first day of public school; it was a big deal.

"I promise I'll call if anything goes wrong," I stated, stepping out of the car. "Love you."

It was nerve-wracking at first, especially since it is in my nature to be quiet, but I knew I was ready for public school, and I wasn't going to change my mind.

I found my way to the office and asked for my schedule.

"Alright, Lillian," the school secretary said, "here is your schedule. Alexa will be showing you around today, since she shares most of your classes."

"Hi, Lillian." Alexa, a girl with long, dark hair who was just barely taller than I was, smiled at me.

"Lilly," I replied.

"Hi, Lilly."

I decided that I liked Alexa, and ever since then, we've been best friends.

Nevvy had to leave the ceremony early, since her ballet recital is immediately after. Mom and Dad had done everything they could to make watching both work; we make it to the concert hall just in time for her solo performance. She dances beautifully, as always. She's grown up so fast over the last few years, and now that she's in high school, she's become more dedicated than ever to being the best she can be at ballet and singing, choir being her favorite subject.

Nico watches Nevvy in awe. He started taking ballet lessons when he was in kindergarten, a year after he was adopted, because he wanted to be like her. He also asked Mom to teach him piano, so that he could be like me. Turns out, neither activity stuck, and now our family goes to watch him act at the local children's theatre when they put on plays and play baseball with the recreational team.

The next morning, I grab my already packed suitcase from my bedroom. Saying goodbye to Mom, Dad, Nevvy, and Nico is the hardest part. Especially since I know I won't see them again until my birthday, which is the longest I've gone without seeing them since my adoption.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I reach out to hug everyone.

I notice tears in Nevvy's eyes, and Mom holds onto me a little longer than necessary, as I hug everyone tightly before stepping outside.

I climb into the backseat of Eliza's car beside Mia after placing my suitcase in the trunk. The car pulls away as I wave to my family, heading into the next chapter of my life.


So, I guess that's it. Yesterday marked 2 whole years since I started this fanfiction, and today it's finished. Things have changed so much since I started writing this, and although in many ways I'm happy that it's finished, it's bittersweet.

Thank you to Perfectglory for helping me to edit since chapter 38.

Thank you to everyone who has read this story and kept me writing, even during the phases when I didn't want to. 

Lastly, I'm taking a bit of a break from Wattpad now, but I have some new fanfictions in the planning process, so once I'm ready to start writing them, I'll be back!

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