Chapter 32

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Demi's POV

Lilly's 10th birthday and the party are today. My family and Wilmer's family are coming. We invited Nevvy as well, so she will come, luckily without her parents... I'm not sure I trust them anymore. Lilly hasn't met any of Wilmer's family other than his mom who babysat her once, so I hope this isn't too stressful for her.

I wake up early and start decorating. Wilmer and Lilly aren't even awake yet; I need this to be perfect.

"You don't need to let this stress you out."

I turn around and see my mom standing in the doorway.

"Mom! What are you doing here? It's early." I run over to her and give her a hug.

"Well, I knew you'd be doing this, so I thought I could help."

"Of course."

Mom grabs a birthday banner from the box of decorations and hangs it up on the wall.

"Why are we doing this so early?" Wilmer obviously just woke up, and even though he's normally up earlier than this; he is on vacation and probably wanted to sleep in.

"Because it needs to be perfect," I tell him.

"No, it doesn't. Lilly doesn't care."

"But I do." I smile at him. "Besides, isn't this a big deal?"

He nods. "I think I should go wake up Lilly. She probably wants to spend some time with us before everyone else comes."


Wilmer leaves and Mom looks at me. "Is there something going on with you two?"

"No. Why would you ask?"

"Because... I know you two. Does it have to do with Lilly?"

"Possibly. Her uncle got some girl pregnant and we have a meeting with her tomorrow. Also, Lilly kind of got hurt at Neveah's yesterday," I say.

"What happened?"

"She says she fell down the stairs, but I'm not so sure. What if Neveah's parents hurt her?"

"If you're thinking that, I would talk to Lilly and Neveah about it."

"I know; I should," I say.

Lilly and Wilmer come downstairs and Lilly runs over to hug me, then my mom. I notice her limp hasn't gotten any better.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"It's a lot better," she replies. "Is Nevvy coming today?"

"Yes, I think her mom's dropping her off right after lunch."

"Okay. When does the party start?"

"At 2."

Lilly then asks if she can go show Wilmer her new piano song and they go together.

"She's become much more talkative," my mom says.


"How about we go listen to her play? She seems very excited about it."

Lilly has become very good at piano. I wonder if she had parents who were into music because I'm sure that her uncle never exposed her to it.


Nevvy arrives just after we finish eating lunch. I look for any signs that she could be getting abused but don't see any. That doesn't mean I shouldn't ask, though. The girls go up to Lilly's room, probably to play and talk, while my mom and Wilmer help me finish decorating for the party downstairs.

The rest of my family shows up before Wilmer's parents, then a few more members of his family. Lastly, a few of our best friends show up. I invited Marissa, Sirah, Matthew, Nick, and Joe, not wanting to make Lilly too nervous.

Of course, as people show up, so do gifts, and the table fills up fast with brightly colored bags, wrapping paper, and ribbons.

I call Lilly and Nevvy downstairs and introduce her to the people she doesn't know. It might just be me, but as long as Wilmer and I are with her, she doesn't seem as nervous to meet new people. The improvement is miraculous.


Lilly's POV

After meeting all the people at the party, I am supposed to open gifts. The table that was set up by the entrance is completely full and I don't need or even want that many gifts; plus, then all the attention will be on me and I don't like that.

Demi sits beside me in the living room and we open gifts for what feels like a long time. I don't even know what some of the things are, or why someone is giving them to me, but I say "thank you" after every gift. Demi makes a stack of all the cards in the presents to keep.

Eventually, once the gifts have all been opened, we abandon the mess in the living room and eat dessert outside. Everyone who hadn't already wants to talk with me and Nevvy and I stick to Demi and Wilmer's sides the whole time until people start to leave the party. I feel relieved.

Demi had asked Nevvy's parents if she could stay for night, and surprisingly, they said yes, so we eat supper as a family with her. I wish this is how it could be forever.

After supper, Wilmer starts to clean up the decorations and wrapping paper while Demi says she wants to talk to Nevvy and I in my room. 

"So, Lilly..." Demi starts. "I know you said that you fell down the stairs, but I need to know the truth; did someone hurt you?"

I look away. I can't tell her the truth; Nevvy's mom would hate me.

"Okay, then. Nevvy, have your parents ever hurt you?" Demi asks.

Nevvy does the same thing I did.

"Girls, I just need the truth. And you don't have to worry, they would never find out that you told."

"Yes," Nevvy whispers.

Demi takes in a deep breath; she seems sad.

I nod, then hug Demi. I don't want her to be sad. It's not like it happened to her.

"Okay. Who was it?" Demi asks.

"Her mom," I say.

"Both," Nevvy replies.

"Okay, so Nevvy, I can't let you go back to your parents," Demi says.

"But then they'll know," she whimpers.

"No, I promise they won't. Everything will be fine."

Demi stands up and leaves my room, probably to tell Wilmer. I wonder if the same lady that arrested our uncle will arrest Nevvy's new parents.

"Do Demi and Wilmer hurt you?" Nevvy asks.

"No," I reply.

"That's good. I wish they adopted me too."

I hug Nevvy and then we continue to play with my Barbies. 


Not exactly sure what I think of this chapter, but I'm publishing it anyways.

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