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The man smiled kindly at me, his features showing no indication of aging. He walked to me placing a hand on my shoulder. His joyous eyes danced as he spoke to the girl in front of me. 

"Nanami this girl is Y/n is like you needing of a home as well she will do good as your guide. Can you help this girl y/n as a favor?" His honey voice made it hard to deny him, after all, I owed him. 

"Of course, it's nice to meet you Nanami." I smiled as did she. He walked towards her planting a friendly kiss on her forehead. 

"You have my blessing dear Nanami you deserve my home much more than me. And for you a small present." He pressed a small box into my hands. 

"It's not much just a small token of my appreciation." I smiled in thanks. My eyes widened I never asked his name. As he handed a poorly drawn map I grabbed hold of his sleeve. 

"Wait before you go! What's your name?" A smile played at his thin lips as he let out an airy laugh causing his breath to form a light fog. 

"Mikage, my name is Mikage ." He turns away walking into the late night fog leaving white spider lilies blooming in his path. I turned to her and sighed.

"Well, you ready to find our new home Nanami ?" She nodded as we walked along the quiet back roads. We eventually ended up at a run-down shrine. Nanami exasperated decided even though she thought we were lied to, to go inside. We carefully entered.

"Hello is there anyone in here?" I called calmly. Suddenly the lamps flickered to life illuminating the fact that out of the dust appeared to childlike spirits. They seemed to be similar. I snapped as my mind came to identify them. "Shrine spirits!" The spirits cheered happily holding a platter of fish and throwing rice. Nanami's eyes seemed to narrow on a small blue fog down the hall. 

It grew closer finally becoming clear that it was Foxfire. A tall slim man appeared from the flame his palms illuminated by their own balls of fox fire. Nanami fell to the ground startled and I bent down to help her up.

He growled exposing pearly canines. 

"So it's you Mikage? Where have you been all this time?" He questioned. He leaned closer to her his lavender eyes swirled with rage and...something else.Some emotion, one less violent but cold. As I moved out in front of Nanami holding out my arms in front of her in a more or less protective stance his eyes snapped in realization. As Nanami stood he sighed his stance straightened. "Your not Mikage, why are you here?" 

"Mikage said if I had nowhere else to go we could stay here.Look." She handed him the scribbled map.
The man before me sighed. 

"This indeed is Mikage's  Pathetic handwriting ." 

"Indeed." The spirits nodded ,chiming in agreement. 

"However, You are no god." He scolded. The small spirits pointed to Nanami's forehead. 

"But look she has the mark of the land god master Tomoe !" The male spirit spoke. He swung is fan out. 

"That is none of my concern now that my contract is broken. Farewell. ~" He smirked fading out as the spirits called out. My eyes narrowed irritated my lips pursing. 

"How unpleasant." Nanami seemingly stunned she turned to the spirits her voice wavering.

 " Could you set us up for the night please?" 

"Why certainly." They gladly chimed.

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