4-Strawberry blood.

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Y/n POV:
I walked out to the hall to see Nanami frantically scrubbing the hall ways. I smiled.

"Onikiri how can I help?" He turned.

"Oh Y/n you will take care of the yard while Nanami will do inside chores. Please rake, and weed the garden and lawn. When that's done clean the koi pond ."

"Of course, see you when I'm done!"

I walk outside and begin to rake along the leaves. I raked them into a large pile within the time of an hour. I sighed grabbing the burlap bag from a nearby shed. Walking towards the front yard I smiled and prepared myself for a long amount of work as I bent down. Digging my bare hands into the dirt loosening the roots of a cluster of dandelions, and lifting it up into my bag.

As I looked up I saw a pair of lavender eyes staring at me from afar. I shrugged off as I began on a cluster of wild strawberries. I knew they worked as a temporary astringent. I grabbed a small satchel from my pocket and collecting the bitter fruit before uprooting it and tossing it into my burlap bag.

My eyes scanned the yard eventually landing on a plant. Specifically a rosebud. I walked to it and begin to uproot it in pursuit of relocating it to the under worked garden.

My wrist brushed against the stem cutting my wrist. I hissed instinctively as the warm liquid began to pool into a small bead. I turned my head as I heard the few leaves that had been left into a small spinning twirl. Appearing from it was Tomoe.


"What do you want ?" Usually, Id try to be more polite but I knew he wasn't here to help. He never is from what I can tell.

"My, My you can't even weed the yard. The task is so elementary and yet your mere lack of capability confounds me." He smirked, splaying out his fan in front of his face.

" What a vapid statement coming from you." I smirked seeing his eyes widen as I walked relocating the small flower into the garden. I walked back and soon Tomoe appeared in front of me.

" What do you mean vapid?"

"I mean your infernal complaining of how Nanami and I are so incapable. Despite how you have ceased to care for it. It's a fruitless pursuit." His lip twitched as he froze briefly as I then smeared the dry dirt across his face. I walked away smugly as he wiped his face off irritated. He huffed and disappeared once again. I bent down once again continuing to weed the yard. Then I went onto clean the pond.

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