4-Enticingly dangerous.

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Quick A/n: a special thanks to Rawrr_Meow_19 for voting on previous chapters


   I sighed finally having finished my chore now heading back to the shrine. It's still run down... Walking in I saw Nanami panting heavily having done hers. Onikiri hovered over to her cheerfully. A clap sounded causing all of us to turn curious.  An elderly woman knelled praying for her daughter to have a healthy delivery. Nanami's eyes widened realizing she heard it. 

"I heard her prayer." Nanami said softly,seemingly confused. Kotetsu cheerily replied.

 "Of course as the new god of Mikage shrine, it's your job to answer prayers of your worshipers!" But I heard it too... I bit my tongue as I saw the two shrine spirits drop a large stack of papers. 

"What's this?!"She yelled in a raised voice. 

"These are journals that master Tomoe has kept of all the prayers over the past twenty years in our Lord's absence." I looked over to Nanami. He'd been loyal to serving him only to be faced with abandonment. Nanami stood up from her sitting position with a look of determination. 

"Let's find him." I nod.  He may be open to helping us...how I don't know.

   We stood at the foot of the steps to the shrine now met with a carriage. Mikage's favorite mode of transportation. Somehow I find it strange the marriage god would travel to the realm of yokai. "Well let's get in already," I say set on getting the arrogant fox and bolting as I climbed in. Nanami nodded. 

"Right," She jumped in finally sitting inside with me and the spirits. We sat in comfortable silence. Leaving me with my thoughts. I closed my eyes trying to picture the man from my dreams. My mind spun in a frantic need to recognize him. He was familiar but how!? I growled clenching the bead in my bag.

   I heard a clack interrupting me from my thoughts. I opened my eyes seeing the doors had swung open walking over I jumped out onto the cobblestone road. The realm was enticingly beautiful. Lanterns decorated the streets raining down red and yellow light on every path. My eyes greedily took it all in. This was much better than a mundane life. Onikiri whispered,  

"Whatever you do miss L/n do not drink their sake unless offered." Her voice wavered with obvious worry. I nodded wandering off with the others.

   My face contorted into an uneasy smile.

 "Red light district...great." Honestly, it was a beautiful drinking house but people could purchase special rooms. Nanami and I walked to the room and agreed to stay behind the shōji while the kind shrine spirits entered. 

"Master Tomoe," They cheered. He spat his sake a little surprised. 

"What are you two doing here? I told you I have no desire to stay at that wretched shrine now that I am a free yokai." His voice dripped with a smug tone.

 "But master Tomoe, lady Nanami, and Miss L/n wished to see you!" 

"Since they are here, tell them both I have no interest."

   Nanami and I entered. He spat out his sake once again startled. 

" How could you ?! That shrine was your home!" Nanami spat seeing how Tomoe wrote down for twenty loyal years and when he had a chance she left. I looked at Tomoe. Trying to search for anything readable. Any remorse or sorrow but to no avail. I looked at her. She nodded as we then left.

 "Please wait!" cried out the shrine spirits.

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