Chapter 11-Deal?Deal!

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"Well well hello there." He smirked

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Aw?wont you let me in,tch tch tch thats bad manners y/n" he said licking his lower lip which made me stare at his lips.

"Just leave!"I snapped  as I held the handle to close the door.
He stopped the door just before I could close it placing his palm on it , I tried putting force but he was stronger and he pushed open the door so harshly that the door fell off its hinges making a loud thud sound

"What the hell ? Why would you do that." I shouted as anger rose inside me

"Well sorry about that" he said in a teasing tone
What the hell .. isn't he even slightly guilty about what he just did

"What are you doing breaking into someone's house without permission.. just so you know this is illegal."
He didn't respond

"Leave before i call the police!!"i tried to threaten him

"Oh you naive little y/n. F.Y.I ..." he stopped for a second "... For Your Kind Information" he added forming inverted commas with his fingers in the air and continued "you are a criminal. Do you think police is gonna listen to the criminal??come on you can do much better." He flashes yet another smile

"Spit it out ..What do you want ?" I asked anger boiling with in me

"Marry me??!!"
My eyes widened at what he just said

I mean how dare he break the door of my apartment, get in without my permission and ask an absurd question???

"...what do you mean marry you?"I asked
"Well I have a deal for you."he said pulling off a sly smile
"Marry me and you don't have to live in this old and withered apartment."he responded sliding off the dust off the dusty drawer from his finger and then blowing it away.
"NO!!Sorry but i will not accept your deal Mr Jeon Jungkook."
"See my father want to hand over the company to me and for that to happen i need to get married and I and you , we both know how desperately you need consider this a win to win situation,i get the company while you can live in a much better place and enjoy all the luxuries."

"Are you done ?i will not marry you, no matter what

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"Are you done ?i will not marry you, no matter what . I don't need your house or anything .Just go away or else." I said with a stern tone

"Or else what —??Your sister..." he smiled before continuing "...I know who your sister is, where she is ." I know whats he doing , he is threatening me now
How does he know about her?
"Well too bad I don't have a sister." I lied

"Just stop lying already will you or are you that used too of lying that lies just slip out of your mouth."he said raising his voice

"Get out of here jungkook before i start to shout for the neighbours."

In a moment his hand went into his pocket and he pulled out his phone displaying a picture to me
My jaw dropped and panic rose inside me as i recognised the person in the picture.
I could see a frail figure lying on the bed surrounded by white walls as the vivid light illuminated her pale face. There were wires attached to her body and a screen stood just beside her bed that monitored her heartbeat.Thats My sister ,Sung Hee .

Yes she was there too when the car accident happened , the trauma to her brain was too severe which lead her to coma.I worked so many part times just to fill up her bills .. Its been 6 years already .. the doctors just keep on saying the same thing that i should wait .. how long do i wait.. there is just no end to "waiting" sometimes i get so frustrated that i want to run away,run as fast as i can.They asked me several times that maybe its time to let her go but No i will never let her go .. I have already lost so many people .. I don't wanna loose more .

I saw how her body lied there lifeless
"..Your sister." He continued
"Where did you get that?" I asked as tears threatened to fall at bay.
"I have my ways"he said with a victorious smile

After a long silence

"How low can you be Jungkook. You have crossed every line. You are not human,I cant believe Junghyun was your brother."I snapped at him looking him into his eyes
"Don't you dare take my brother's name with that filthy mouth of yours." He replied as he gritted his teeth and rose his hand to slap me
I closed my eyes waiting for whats next to come but the slap never came instead he closed his eyes as if he was in a big discussion with his brain and then continued
"So answer me now!" He damanded

"Ok I agree but i have one condition."
"That is——???" He asked tilting his head as his mouth curved up in a smile
"Give me a job in your company!"I stated
He let out a laugh making me confused
"Ofcourse ofcourse how can i forget that our little y/n is so desperate for money."He said raising his eyebrow
"I don't care whatever you think about me. Just promise me this and i will accept your proposal."
"Ok fine ! You can join as my secretary .deal?"he asked
"Deal!"i said

So what do you think will happen next
Will she really marry him or will things turn out differently
Next update will be day after tomorrow

Don't forget to vote
Shabiha :)

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