6. A Visiter

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  Sorry for the long long wait. School has invaded and I have other stuff to do! I have also been struggling to get into this chapter, despite it being rather exciting. Thanks for the patience :)

Book Quote

"It's the horror and the beauty of the things we don't know." - Dreaming of Amelia, Jaclyn Moriarty


  The six of them rush towards the sounds. Martyn, Adrian and Jack sprint far on ahead. Ella and Celia try to catch up, but Tina stops suddenly.

  "Come on!" Ella yells.

  "Why should I? It's just going to get me into danger," Tina protests. Ella decides to leave her and rushes on beside Celia.

  Eventually, they reach coast where there are some people hiding in the forest behind trees, standing when they can see the sand.

  "What's wrong?" Jack asks Jake who is standing behind a tree.

  Jack has always been a friend of Jake's. He had arrived about 4 weeks after Jack, Martyn and Adrian did. At times, he is often moody, but when he had a job, he would do it. Jack likes Jake's morals and fairness. However, he is never allowed to call Jack by his name. Just like everyone else, he had to call Jack "Your Highness".

  "That guy over there on the rowing boat is being shot at and he is heading our way," Jack points into the distance, where there is someone rowing in a rowing boat. Several boats are being rowed behind him.

  The gun shots are sudden in the silence. Jack is still worried though, so he turns to Martyn. "Martyn, lead everyone to the cabins, they will be safe there. Adrian and I will deal with this."

  Martyn follows his orders and heads back to the cabins. Everyone follows him and they are all  quickly striding towards the safety of the cabins.

  "You too, Ella," Jack says when he notices Ella standing behind a tree in defence. She stops peeping at the boat and turns to Jack.

  "What?" Ella asks in surprise.

  "Go back with Martyn and the others," Jack orders.

  "Why should I do that?" Ella crosses her arms.

  "Because this is a man's job and your job is to obey me. Just go make yourself useful," Jack shakes his head and comes out of the safety of the wood. When he is on the soft sand, he turns and glares at Ella when he notices she has not moved. She grabs the left backpacks violently and turns to make some few steps.

  Ella is not the kind of follow Jack's rules, so she dumps the bags and rushes back to the tree where she gets a great view of what is happening. Luckily, Jack's attention is not on where she is.

  Gradually, the boy in the rowing boat comes nearer. "Don't pass the rope!" Jack yells. The boy looks up and stares at them. It is almost as if he understands exactly what his fate would be from passing the line.

  Quickly, he rows his boat over the rope and starts heading for the land.

  "Bugger," Adrian mutters under his breath. "They are all going to come over here and attack us now!"

  "I know, now shut up!" Jack yells back in frustration.

  "Hey you! You're bringing your predators over to the island! We don't need that!" Adrian yells as the boy continues rowing.

  "I'm sorry! I'll explain why they are doing this once I get there!" the boy speaks in a teen American accent.

  Adrian and Jack don't say any more and just wait for the boy to arrive. He is rowing quickly and the boats are following behind. They stare up at the men shooting and wait for them to pass the rope and make their lives a living hell.

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