11. Inside Revealed

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Mini blog for you guys here. I have been ditching this for revision and I have to say it's finally paid off. I found I did really well in my English GCSE controlled assessment :) Sooo... I decided I would celebrate by cuddling cats, drinking hot chocolate and watching the Young Apprentice on BBC iPlayer. But it wasn't working, so I turned to writing. I hope my happiness and excitement was transferred into good writing in here :)


  Jack follows the painful screaming deeper and deeper into the forest. He calls back. "Where are you?" No response, only more screaming. 

  When the sound is louder than ever, Jack sees a crowd of people amongst the trees and rushes to them. He reaches the crowd to find Ethan and Tina curled up leaning on a log with 4 other people surrounding them, one of them including Jake who is holding a dagger. 

  "What the hell is going on?" Jack yells angrily. 

  They all step back and turn towards Jack. Jake steps forward. "Do you realise how stupid it is to keep this kid alive?" he says pointing his dagger behind him towards Ethan. 

  "They were trying to kill Tina!" Ethan yells before Jack can say anything. Jack glares at Jake after hearing the comment. 

  "Tina? What did Tina do to you?" Jack asks.

  "If it weren't for her, Ethan would be gone by now. We would all be safe!" Jake responds. 

  "No. I don't want to hear anymore. You will leave these two alone. Now piss off and get back to work!" Jack yells causing the silence amongst the good. "Now!"

  Slowly, the group disperse and walk through the trees in silence. Ethan and Tina get up from the ground and dust themselves off. "Thanks so much, Jack," Tina says in appreciation. "I think we are going to be in hiding for a few more hours still."

  And with a nod, Tina and Ethan walk away, deeper in the forest. 

  Suddenly, Jack remembers that he has left Ella at the top of a tree. How was she going to get down? He dashes back towards the tree and smiles. Ella is gently sitting at the bottom of the tree.

  "I knew you could get down from the tree on your own. I knew you could do it!" Jack cries as he rushes to her. 

  "It was pretty scary!" she comments. "So... what was the screaming about?"

  "It was Tina, the islanders are trying to kill her now to get her out the way," Jack explains.

  The harness is untied and the two head back to the camp to eat some dinner. Before they reach the camp, Ella turns to Jack. 

  "Thanks a lot for this... But there is one thing I want to make sure of..." Ella says. "Could you not tell anyone?"

  Jack smiles and nods. "I promise."

  The next day, everyone gathers round for breakfast. They all sit on logs, slowly eating toast, or ceral or whatever is available. Some finish eating early and fiddle with pen knives in their hands, subtly removing dirt from under their nails with it.

  While lining up to get toast which is warm and golden from the flames below it, Ella whispers in Jack's ear. "It's swimming today, we'll leave after everyone else does," she gently says. Jack nods in understanding before stabbing some toast from a plate.

  Suddenly, Jake yells and stands up. "It's the Asian kid and that slut; after them!" everyone turns their attention towards Ethan and Tina who dash into the forest in order to escape the stampede of angry islanders. 

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