I Will Go With You

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*Third person POV*

  "We must ride to Edoras at all speed. But first, we need to meet someone," said Gandalf.

  "Who?" Gimli asked.

  "She dwells in here, the Fangorn forest. You might have heard of her, Legolas," said Gandalf.

  "I have. Among my kin, she is a strange elleth who lives in Fangorn, but I do not know her name," Legolas answered. "Nor why she chooses to dwell alone in the woods." 

  "Well, you are about to meet her. Now, be careful what you say. She is not fond of strangers. Especially dwarves," Gandalf said stopping at a small clearing surrounded by trees. The wind blew by their side. The trees were groaning as if they were alerting someone about their presence. Gimli put his axe in front of him, ready to chop anything. Suddenly, an arrow kicked the axe out from the dwarf's hands. Gimli stared in shock.

  "What in Durin's beard was that?!" He shouted.

  "Taurieth, if that is you, please, do come down," Gandalf said aloud to the clearing. An elf with dark hair jumped down soundlessly from a tree, surprising the group. The company got a closer view at her while she was walking towards them, her bow still drown. She had dark brown hairs that almost looked like black, and her eyes were bright emerald green.

  "Mithrandir. You did not tell me that there was a dwarf in your company. Fangorn does not like it," She said coldly looking at them.

*Taurieth POV*

  I listened carefully as some people reached the clearing. Mithrandir said he will be leading a group towards this way, a human and an elf. But I also saw a dwarf.

  What in the name of sweet Eru is a dwarf is doing here? That explained what the forest was angry about. I saw the dwarf raise the axe in his hands. Without thinking, I immediately fired an arrow, making the axe fall from the dwarf's hand.

  "What in Durin's beard was that?!" I heard him exclaim. Then I heard Mithrandir.

  "Taurieth, if that is you, please do come down."

  I jumped from the tree soundlessly, surprising the group.

  "You did not tell me there was a dwarf in your company, Mithrandir. Fangorn does not like it," I said, well technically spat coldly walking towards them. I spotted a blond elf with icy blue eyes and a man with dark hair.

  "Another elf? Gandalf, are you out of your mind?!" The dwarf shouted. I never got a chance to like a dwarf, and he was making that chance disappear completely.

  "Shut your mouth, filth, or you'll be staring up at your headless body from the ground," I spoke, threatening him. Then something I did not expect happened. The blond elf drew his bow towards me.

  "You would die before you try!" he said, returning my threat. I glared him daggers, causing him to lower his bow a bit and replied.

  "Oh really, I don't think so. Shall we see?" When the elf was about to say something, Mithrandir cut him off.

  "Stop this nonsense and listen to me, Taurieth. We need your help," he said. I was absolutely sure that he was out of his mind.

  "Why would you need my help? And you don't really think that I'll help a dwarf do you Mithrandir?" I asked, meeting his blue-grey eyes. He sighed.

  "A battle is coming for Rohan, I am sure of it. And I fear that we may lose. But it'll be much different if you come. Your skills would give us hope, Taurieth."

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