crying out loud

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 Luckily, there was some meat. I filled my stomach with food as much as I could. When I've had a good deal of food, I could last for about three days without it. How knew? Maybe I won't be able to eat food for a while. After I had some, a lot of foods, I went to find Eowyn. But when I found her, it seemed like she was busy doing something I couldn't tell what. Something like princess duty. So I just went wandering around here and there. And I saw Aragorn seating on stairs.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked. He looked up.

"Would you go away if I said no?" He asked instead of answering me. I smirked.

"No, I won't. You don't really have a choice. I'm going to join you wether you like it or not, Dunedain." I said and sat down beside him. Aragorn laughed lightly.

"Are you waiting for the beacon to be lit?" I asked. He just 'hummed'. I nodded and stared where the beacon would be lit. I wonder where Gandalf was now. We sat there in the silence for a while, until Aragorn broke the silence.

"Why did you decide to come back?" I looked at him, frowning slightly. How should I answer this question? Wind blowed, making the hairs on my face go away. I sat there enjoying the wind, forgetting about Aragorn's question.

"Taurieth?" He called my name. I looked at him, 'hmm'-ing.

"Oh, sorry." I said apologetically.

"I had a good reason to come back." I answered to his previous question. He looked confused.

"What was the reason then?" He inquired. Seriously. Couldn't he just give up??? I wonder what was making him so curious.

"Why do you want to know anyway?" I asked, looking at his eyes. He was slightly taken back by the question, I could see. He seemed to think for a moment then answered.

"I suppose that's what everyone would want to know about their friend. You care about them and you want to know more about them, I guess." Aragorn answered at last. Oh, so he was curious because he's my friend? That didn't make much sense to me. But I was new to this 'friends' thingy, so I supposed what he said was the truth.

"So what is the reason?" Aragorn asked again. I sighed.

"I'm not sure if I know the reason at all," I said. Well I did know the reason, but I just didn't wanted to admit that I came back because of my friends. Aragorn said nothing but just stared at me. He was totally not believing me.

"Taurieth, you know, I know, we both know, you know your reason. I've only known for you a short time, but I don't think you are the type of someone who does things without reasons." Aragorn said. He had some wisdom in him. It was surprising that he figured that out considering the amount of time he talked with me. I just sat there, continuing the silence. Beside me Aragorn sighed and took out his pipe. Just when he was about to start smoking, I made up my mind.

"Friends." I said, not daring to make any eye contect with him. If I did, I was afraid of what he would see in my eyes. Even I didn't know what my eyes were holding, except that it was something I wouldn't dare to show others. Aragorn stopped his movement and looked at me. He was trying to see my eyes, but I just stared and stared where the beacon was.

"Friends?" He asked.

"Yeah. Friends." I answered. He nodded and put his pipe back. He stared too, leaving me in silence which I was thankful for.

"How many friends do you have?" Aragorn asked. My sweet sweet silence was over. And it was replaced with a terrible question.

"Why are you asking that sorts of questions, Ranger?" I asked back, getting annoyed. I was still not looking at him, but I could feel that he was looking at me. He took a deep breath. Why was he taking a deep breath?

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