off you go

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I walked outside, and saw two hobbits trailing behind Gandalf.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Gandalf yelled. Wow they were walking really fast. They were almost at the stable when I decided I should run. Pippin and Merry came to halt, so I slowed down a little.

"The enemy thinks you have the ring. He will be looking for you. They have to get you out of here," Merry said. Finally I made it to them.

"No he doesn't. He's brain is full with loads of his future plans when he conquers middle earth. Like that's even possible." I said as I stood next to them, panting from the running. It was quite a way.

"Taurieth? What are you doing here?" Pippin asked. I smirked.

"Did you really thought you could just ride away to Gondor without sharpening my daggers?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Pippin and Merry was both surprised, I could see. I chuckled at their faces.

"I'm just kidding. But you have to promise you'll sharpen them as soon as we meet again. Do you understand?" I said, lowering my voice. This time, Pippin looked frightened. He nodded.

"In you go then. Gandalf's waiting for you." I said and pushed both of them inside. Vaile was enjoying her breakfast. Somebody got her some apples. That was nice.

"Taurieth? What are you doing here? If you're thinking of following me, I will turn you into a frog." Gandalf said and I sighed.

"I needed to say something to Peregrin Took the Fool over there. And relax, Gandalf. I'm not going to Gondor with you. I had fun with Denethor last time I went there." I said jokingly. Gandalf smiled.

"For you, yes. But for him? I don't think so." He said. It was a few years ago when I last visited Gondor. That was because of Gandalf too. When I was there, Denethor did something that crossed the line so I made him pay with few newts and suddenly wild plants. It was quite a scene.

"Gandalf, how long will I be staying with them?" I asked. The question was the reason I came here.

"That is up to you, my dear. If you want to leave now, no one will try to make you stay. But I do not think that is what you want to do, right?" Gandalf said. He was right. I didn't want to leave now, especially when I had made new friends.

"I thought the battle at the Helm's deep wuould be the end of it. But turns out there is more. When will it end?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"I don't know the exact date, but it will be over soon." Gadalf said. He was telling the truth, I could see. I smiled and nodded. I could take a man, a dwarf and Thranduilion for a bit while longer, I suppose. Gandalf went to Shadowfax and put Pippin on. Merry gave some pipe weeds to him. There were a few words between them, but I was busy looking at Gandalf.

"Be safe, Mithrandir. Don't go killing yourself and the hobbit. He needs to sharpen my daggers. Off you go now." I said my goodbye, smiling. Gandlaf gave me a nod, then Shadowfax ran, as fast as the light. As soon as they were out, Merry dashed beside me and went to a watch tower too see them running away form here. I went to Vaile and gave her a pat. She neighed and dodged me an apple. I picked up the apple from the ground, and made it clean with my sleeve, then took a big bite. I was really hungry. I thought about Gandalf. It would take about three days for them to reach Gondor. I hoped it wouldn't be too late. I took another bite.

"Do you think they'll make it to Gondor in time?" I asked Vaile. She neighed, and I took that as a sign of yes. But even if they did, I wasn't still sure how on earth Gandalf will make Denethor lit the torch. Perhaps he would do that by himself with his magical staff. Or maybe he will make Pippin do it somehow. I gave Vaile a final pat and left the stables. I was going to find Eowyn, since we had a dwelling to do. Then my stomach rumbled. If I find her, I'm gonna have to get some food first, I thought. I looked back before going in the hall. Far away, I could see a white horse running powerfully to Gondor. Few minutes later, it dissapeared. I went into the hall. Perhaps if I was lucky, there might be some meat.

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