Chapter 31

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*3rd person POV*

"Aragorn?!" Gandalf shouted, looking around the battle field for him. Surely he couldn't have died. Then he spotted him kneeling on the ground, patting someone's shoulder. Gandalf hurried his way to them. He saw that it was Legolas who Aragorn was patting, and much to his surprise, the elf was crying.

"What happened? Oh," he asked, but then he saw Taurieth lying on the ground, motionless, her eyes closed. He pushed Gimli out of the way and looked at the female elf and the wound on her stomach. The skin around it was turning into a blueish green now, as a sign of the poison.

"She is still breathing," Gandalf said as he took her pulse. It was weak, but she sure was still alive.  The trio looked at him, not sure of what they just heard. "She needs medicine. Now," Gandalf stood up, carrying her in his arms.

 Since it was too far away from the palace to walk, he called Shadowfax. And he was quite surprised that Taurieth's horse didn't show up with him. However, he hopped on and Shadowfax sprinted away, carrying the wizard and the elf on the edge of death to the palace. Luckily, Aragorn found some horses without owners, and they could make it to the palace shortly after Gandalf. Legolas was the first to run after Gandalf, who was going to the healing room, bumping into someone unexpectedly.

 "Mithrandir. Do you not know better than to run into the Lord of Imladris?" Elrond said, slightly annoyed. It was everyone's surprise to see him here.

 "Forgive me, my lord. But I was in a hurry,"Gandalf apologized. Then the lord of Rivendell saw who was in the wizard's arms. He had seen her a couple of times before, when she was much younger. She had grown so much since then, he could see. And she needed his care, he also could see.

 "May I?" He asked, opening his arms.

 "Please," Gandalf handed her over to Elrond, who took her carefully, heading for the healing room.

 "What is that pointy ear doing here?" Gimli grunted, clearly not happy to have another elf around.

 "He is helping us save Taurieth, Gimli. You should be thankful to him," Gandalf answered, going into the healing room. There were many people there, since it was right after the war.

 "Aragorn!" Someone yelled. It was Pippin. He was waving his hand at him frantically, pointing at someone on the bed in front of him.

 "I'll be right back," Aragorn said as he made his way to Pippin. Elrond took Taurieth to the corner, where it was less crowded and noisy. He set her carefully on the bed, under the watching eyes of Legolas, Gandalf and Gimli. Elrond wiped the blood away from her wound, and checked for any shards of the knife. Luckily, there weren't any. The poison was the only thing he needed to take care of.

 "Athelas. I need athelas," Elrond said, looking around the room for it.

 "You mean the green weeds?" Gimli asked.

 "Yes," he answered, and to his surprise, Gimli took out a basket full of the green weeds behind his back. They all looked at him suspiciously.

 "Saw it on the way in. I thought it was some kind of food. It smelled nice," Gimli defended himself, handing then over to Elrond quickly. Elrond took them, and seeing that there weren't any water around,  chewed a handful of them and spread it around her wound. Legolas bit his lip without knowing while this process. She didn't make any movement, even when Elrond had done all he can with the limited medicines.

 "Does she know?" Elrond asked, getting a nod from Gandalf. He knew about her powers too, since her mother had come to him for advices more than one time. Legolas sat on a chair beside her, squeezing her hand.

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