the truth

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We were on horses again now. When we stopped, we were on the top of a hill. Far away, I could see a red fire. Mordor, I presumed. No place on Middle Earth except for Mordor can have that much red fire.

"Sauron's wrath will be terrible. His retribution swift." Gandalf said. 'Good. Make him angry' I thought. Sauron, he deserved to be angry. After all, he was the bad guy. Bad guys always deserved to be angry.

"The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle Earth is about to begin." Gadalf said again. 'Great! Another battle!' I thought. But that wasn't the end. There was more Gandalf needed to say.

"All our hopes now lie with two little hobbits... somewhere in the wilderness." Wait. Two little hobbits? What was he talking about? Then I remembered Legolas saying 'one of the fellowship now' when he saved my life. So there was a fellowship with two little hobbits and a man, an elf, a dawrf, and a wizard? Why would anybody need that kind of fellowship? When I was about to ask, Gandalf lead us down the hill. I'll have to ask sometime later then. I was surprised that we were not going back to the stone fortress. Instead, we were headed for somewhere too familiar for me. The Fangorn Forest. I made Vaile go next to Gandalf on Shadowfax.

"Gandalf, what do you have in mind right now?" I asked. Gandalf looked at me with his strange blue eyes. The eyes that always seemed to know something that I didn't.

"We are going to Isengard, Taurieth. I believe it is time to finish our unfinished business with Saruman." He answered. My face hardened. Saruman. We were going to see him?

"I do not think I want to go that with the rest of people behind me, Mithrandir." I said as we entered the forest. The trees welcomed me home at the same time being alerted by strangers. I asked for Treebeard, but other trees said that he was somewhere else. We were outside the forst now, and I saw two little figures sitting on rocks, smoking and laughing. The one with the yellow jacket stood up and opened his arm.

"Welcome my lords, to Isengard!" Then we came to a halt. I stopped little earlier than them, remaining in the shadow of the trees. No reason to let other strangers see me.

"You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you feasting and... and smoking!" Gimli shouted. Aragorn and Legolas both smiled. So their fellowship had 4 hobbits, 1 man, 1 elf, 1 dwarf and a wizard? It was strange, very strange.

"We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well earned comforts.This salted pork is particulary good." The one that was sitting said.

"Salted pork?" I heard Gimli say.

"We are under orders of Treebeard, who has taken over management of Isengard."the yellow jacket said. I revealed myself to them. If they knew Treebeard and he trusted them, then I could trust them too, maybe. The seated one noticed me.

"Merry, who's that?" He asked to the yellow jacketed one. He looked at me too and there was a look of confusion on his face. I was standing next to Gandalf now.

"She's an elf!" Who's name I guessed to be Merry said. I looked at Gandalf. How long was he going to let this stupidness go on? Just when he was about to say something, the seating one said something.

"Oh! Is she with mister Legolas then?" I froze. How dare he say that. Before someone could stop me, I jumped off from Vaile and ran to the seated one and put my dagger to his throght. It was a sudden move, even for me.

"Never, never say anything about me and the Mirkwood prince, halfling. Do you understand?" I threatened him. He was scared and suprised at the same time, I could see.

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