Journey To Helm's Deep

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  *Third person POV*

 **Time skip, after Theodred's funeral**

 Two children ate their food like they had been starving for a week.

 "They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the wildmen are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go," Eowyn said. Legolas was standing beside seated Aragorn and eating Gimli. Taurieth stood a bit farther from the elf, watching the scene.

 ** Time skip (again)**

 "By order of the king, the city must empty! We make refuge for the Helm's Deep!" A guard announced. People started packing their things. To Taurieth, it looked like they were packing trashes. Well, who could blame her? She had lived with only the most needed supplies for the past 500 years.

 "Helm's Deep! They flee to the mountain when they should stand up and fight! Who will defend them if not their king?" Gandalf said angrily as they walked to the stables.

 "He is only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past," Aragorn said.

 "But will it save them now?" Taurieth muttered to herself. This was Saruman they were dealing with. And he should not be underestimated. She knew what he was capable of doing.

 "There's no way out of that ravine. Theoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he is leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre," Gandalf said back. He and Aragorn continued to talk while Taurieth wen to her horse, Vaile. She neighed in the joy of seeing her owner and friend again. Taurieth patted her muzzle smiling. She put no saddle on her because it was uncomfortable. Her elf ears caught Gandalf's words to Aragorn.

 "Look to my coming at the first light of the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east."

 Taurieth practically ran towards the wizard. If you had a brain you would know that he was about to leave.

 "Where are you going, Mithrandir? You can't leave now!" Taurieth asked, shocked. Gandalf sighed.

 "Taurieth, there is something that I must do. For the survivor of Rohan. You must understand," He said. Taurieth shook her head.

 "No. You are not leaving me here. You can't leave me alone with a dwarf and Thranduilion!" Taurieth yelled furiously. She came to Edoras because Gandalf had begged her to do so. She stayed in Edoras because Gandalf asked her to. Gandalf was the reason she was staying outside the Fangorn. Now he was leaving? No. It can not be happening.

 "I promise you, Taurieth. I will return. And once this ends, you can return to the Fangorn," Gandalf promised and Taurieth looked at him. He was telling the truth, she could see it in her eyes.

 "You better keep your promise, Mithrandir," Taurieth spoke and got out of the way so Gandalf could leave. She watched him until she couldn't see him.

 "He'll come back. And you'll be able to go back home once this is over." Aragorn said coming beside her.

 "Exactly what is going to be over, son of Arathorn?" She asked not looking at him. He didn't answer but gave an encouraging squeeze at her shoulder. She looked at him surprised, but he was gone to prepare his horse. Thinking, Taurieth went back to Vaile. Legolas was watching all this, and he wondered why she wasn't so cold to Aragorn as she was to him. And also why she didn't call him by his name. Legolas wanted to ask her, but he knew he would probably get an arrow between his eyes instead of an answer.

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