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 *Taurieth POV*

 A year. That's how long it passed since the War of the Ring. Even though I had agreed to stay in Mirwood, before finally settling in, I travelled around Middle-Earth, visiting places I once knew, as well as some new corners of the world. And that included Erebor (I didn't like it that much), Dale (It was a great market) and just wandering as far as I can go.

 I went to Fangorn, of course, and saw Treebeard and his fellow ents in search for the ent-wives. I helped them out a bit, even though I didn't believe they would be able to find them any time soon. I think I stayed at least for 2 months there until Treebeard urged me to continue on my travelling.

 Then I went to Rohan, where Eomer was made king. He greeted me with a feast. And I had a couple of drinks, and earned quite a lot of money, though I had no idea how to spend it. So I gave it around to the poor people there. A child gifted me with her favourite blue bow. I gave her one of my daggers in return. And made sure her mother kept an eye on her.

 The nest stop was Gondor, where Aragorn and Arwen ruled in peace, and Faramir and Eowyn were happy in love. Faramir and I pulled a prank on Aragorn, with the help of Arwen. He threatened to put me in jail, and I dared him to. I didn't end up in jail, of course.

 On my way to the Shire, I took a little stop at Imladris. That place was magical, for real. Whenever I went, Elrond was there to greet me, and the elves were always merry and peaceful. I stayed there for a good while too, meeting Elladan and Elrohir, bewildered by the mystical falls of the hidden valley. Then I left, headed for the Shire.

 Merry and Pippin greeted me with lots of hugs and ale, Sam greeted me with a wife and two kids, and Frodo greeted me with his old uncle, Bilbo. I was quite honoured, meeting two ring-bearers at once. I stayed at Bag End for some time, listening and telling tales, drinking, helping them out with some gardening, learning some cooking.

 Apparently, they had a nickname for me. Ethi. Pippin had come up with it, and I was tempted to ask if he had met my mother because that's what she used to call me when I was really young. It felt nice, hearing it again.

 Then Frodo told me he would sail into the west with Bilbo. He told me he had got stabbed by a Morgul blade on the Weathertop, during the first part of his journey. As much as I liked staying with these wonderful hobbits, Frodo and Bilbo just weren't meant to stay here. So I congratulated him, for being the first hobbit ever to do so.

 The day of the parting came. A carriage arrived, picking up Frodo and Bilbo. The rest of us, me, Pippin, Merry and Sam, rode on horseback.

 Speaking of horses, Glindir had got me a new one. He was nothing like Vaile, but he was a proud and strong stallion. His name was Alagos, and he loved apples.

 When we arrived at the Mithlond, also known as the Grey Havens, some people were waiting for us. And I was quite stunned to see Mithrandir there. I think he was stunned to see me as well. As well as Elrond. When I visited Imladris, he didn't say anything about this. But I just smiled at him. He smiled back.

 "Oh, well. Here is a sight I've never seen before," Bilbo exclaimed as he laid eyes upon the harbour. I agreed with him, as I've never been here either.

 "The power of the three rings is ended. The time has come for the dominion of men," Mithrandir said, leaning onto his staff.

 "I aear c'n ven na mar, (A.N: The sea calls us home.)" Elrond said, spreading his arms out to Bilbo.

 "I think I'm quite ready for another adventure," Bilbo said as he walked towards him. Elrond put his arms around him and they walked onto the ship.

 "Farewell, Taurieth, daughter of Luiel and Galenorn. You have yet much to do in this world," Galadriel spoke through my mind. "You have peace and joy waiting for you."

 And then she boarded on the ship, smiling.

 "Taurieth. It is now time to say farewell," Celeborn spoke. "We will see each other again, sometime."

 "Well, the next time we meet, don't ask for a maid to play with me," I said, smiling. "She had no idea how to play with a child, uncle."

 Celeborn smiled at that and bowed his slightly, before heading for the ship.

 "Farewell, my brave Hobbits, and Taurieth. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea, comes the end of our Fellowship," Mithrandir said. I could tell he was trying hard not to burst out crying. "And Taurieth, you have been the most helpful to us on this quest. I will thank you all eternity for what you have done for us," he said, looking at me. "I will not say do not weep for not all tears are an evil."

 Then he walked towards the ship. I nudged slightly at Frodo, signalling that it was time for him to go. He didn't move.

 "It is time Frodo," Mithradir said, stopping. The three hobbits turned to him.

 "What does he mean?" Sam asked.

 "We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved, but not for me," Frodo answered, looking at his friends.

 "You don't mean that. You can't leave," Sam said tearfully. "Did you know about this, Ethi?" he asked, looking at me.

 "I did. It's time for him to go," I answered quietly, smiling faintly. Frodo brought up a red book and handed it to Sam.

 "The last pages are for you, Sam," he said.

 Then he hugged Merry, who was crying. As well as Pippin, who was also crying. Then finally, he turned to Sam and clasped him in a farewell hug, kissing him on his forehead. Then he looked at me.

 "Make sure the elves there hear about Gandalf's fireworks, alright?" I said as I kneeled down to hug him. "You're probably the bravest living creature I have met and will ever meet."

 "Thank you," Frodo whispered and he let go of me. I stood up as he went to join Mithradir on the ship. He looked back and smiled brightly at us, which I returned.

 Then the ship started to drift away until it disappeared into the sunset.

 The Fellowship of Ring was ended, and the 4th age of Middle Earth had begun. 

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