15. Gucci Shoes

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You follow behind Joon, Jungkook and the invisible Yoongi. They're discussing where to go this late at night and eventually decide to head to a park near the hotel.

As you're walking, their talking dies down and you look up to see why. There is a group of guys coming down the road in your direction. On instinct, you silence too.

When they pass, you finally breathe a sigh of relief.
"We're here guys." Namjoon says. You venture past the gate and into the centre of the dark empty field.

"So... what's your theory on his power?" Jungkook asks. Joon crosses his arms and starts explaining his idea.

"Well, you said that you imagined the broken glass right?" He asked Taehyung who nodded in reply.
"Well... what if you can conjure things into existence just by thinking of it?"
Joons theory leaves your mind reeling.
Is it really possible?

"Try thinking of something!" You exclaim as you shake Taehyungs arm.
He holds out his palm and closes his eyes. A few seconds later, a single piece of chocolate slowly wavers into view.

"Oh my god!" You breathe out in surprise. The boys squeal and shake Taehyung in congratulation.

"You did it!" Yoongi beams as he takes the chocolate and eats it. "Mmm! It's delicious too!"

Taehyung ignores the fact that Yoongi stole his chocolate. He breaks away from the circle and puts his fingers to his temple.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook calls out but he doesn't respond. His eyes are clenched shut as if he's in deep thought.
"What are you doing?" Joon asks.

Taehyung remains silent. You slowly walk closer to him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Taehyung... are you okay?"
Taehyungs eyes fly open and tears begin to form at the corner of his eyes.

"It- it didn't work... my sister... I can't recreate her!" Taehyung cries out then falls onto his knees. You squat down to his level to hug him as he sobs. All of Taehyungs pent up emotions flow out uncontrollably, overpowering his rationality.

You wrap an arm around him and the other strokes his back. You hear him sniffle under your embrace and he doesn't push you away. You look up at the boys who have sullen expressions too.

"Tae... it sucks, I know. But your sister is gone. It's no one's fault but Luhans. We need to fight back and stop his devastation. But for now... you can cry, you can feel human. Around us, you can just be yourself." You whisper softly in his ear.
Taehyung snakes his arms around your shoulders and hugs you back.

"Thank you Y/N." He mumbles. You both silently sit there for awhile until Taehyung pulls away and dabs his eyes with his sleeve.
"I'm sorry for being annoying guys...let's practice."

You stand up and holds out a hand for him. He smiles and grabs it. After helping him get up from the dirty ground, Taehyung turns to the other boys.
They nod to each other and smile.

"Let's do this." Yoongi says with excitement.

"Y/N, you can practise your Telekinesis with us even though Pax's has more control over their powers." Joon says. You nod and grin at him.

"Okay... lets all start by lifting up ONE strand of grass."
You nod and follow Joons instructions. You and Namjoon easily hover up a blade of grass. You even manage to twirl it.

"Wow Namjoon, you're pretty good." You clap your hands as he grins at you.
Suddenly, a chunk of grass flies up. Dirt rains on the group of you from the now broken up piece of land.

Eyes blazing, you turn to Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook who look at the two of you apologetically.

"Sorry!" They sing in unison.

Shaking off the dust, you all practise your powers again. Taehyung imagines a few things like his favourite book and food- even some Gucci shoes!
Yoongi starts trying out his invisibility and Joon.... well, joon broke things.

"Hey, do you think we can eject our powers?" Namjoon making you to cast your attention to him.

Yoongi tilts his head and says "what do you mean?"

"Like do you think you could make other people invisible?"

"Well let's try." Yoongi says then walks over to Taehyung. He touches his shoulder and shuts his eyes. After a few minutes he opens his eyes, disappointed to see Taehyung still visible.

"Sorry guys, I tried, I really did." Yoongi frowned. Taehyung pats Yoongis shoulder to tell him it's okay. They then look towards Joon and you.
You stare at the space they were in, loss for words.

"Guys... it FRICKIN WORKED THOUGH!" You exclaim and run towards the area. You faceplant against someone, and instantly hug them. Joon and Jungkook laughs and comes over to embrace the two ghostly people.

"What?! But I can still see Taehyung?" Yoongi says as he hugs the three of you in one big bear hug.

"I don't feel invisible." Taehyung innocently remarks which makes you giggle.

"We can't see you- but you can see each other!" Joons eyes sparkle as he gasps in excitement.

"Hold on." Yoongi suddenly says then in an instant, Joon and Jungkook disappear and you're left all alone.

"GUYS! You can't just leave me out!" You moan with a pout.
You hear snickering as you fold your arms and glare at where Yoongi should be.
Out of nowhere, they become visible again.

"Oh good, I can see you guys now." You smile. Yoongi starts chuckling and shakes his head.

"More like...you're invisible too."

You widen your eyes and gasp.
"OH MY GOD!" You clap your hands together and grin.

"Wait do you think you can make inanimate objects invisible too?" Jungkook asks.

"It doesn't move so it should be easier right? Have a go with these." Joon hands Yoongi Taehyungs new prized possession- the Gucci shoes.

"No! Don't hurt my babies!" Taehyung roars and tries to grab it off Jungkook.

"Quit whining, you can imagine up another one anyway. He's only going to make it invisible so don't worry." Jungkook waves Taehyung off and hands Yoongi the shoes.

After clicking his knuckles, Yoongi stares at the shoes intensely. After a few seconds, the shoes disappear.

You stifle a gasp and attack Yoongi with a hug again.

"You're so cool!" You beam and look towards the boys.
"Wait why are you all boys, jimins a guy too. God I need some female friends." You yawn and slap each of them on the back.

"Oh well, let's go guys, I really need some shut eye before Summer School." You start heading out of the park when you hear Taehyung exclaim.

"Summer School?!"

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 Seven Sins [JJK]✔️ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora