27. I'm with you

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The man- Kim Seokjin as he introduced, took the news better than you thought he would. Probably because he's slightly drunk.

"So... what are you planning to do?" He finally asks putting the infamous notebook down. "I mean, after you find everyone. There's only greed left right? What happens after that?"

You stand there blankly staring at each other.
"Um...." you look to the others who just shrug.

"We haven't thought that far yet..." you admit.

"So your telling me... you're leaving the entire human race in the hands of some alien girl who is working for Luhan?" Jin scoffs.

"When you put it like that..." you trail off.

"This is all we can do right now. We either bring everyone together, or leave eachother to fend for ourselves when Luhan comes- because he is coming. In under half a month he'll bring hell to earth." Jungkook says firmly.

Jin shuts his eyes momentarily before opening them again and nodding.
"Alright." He says. "Alright. I've just burned my business down to the ground. I guess I've got nothing else to do." He shrugs.

"Your noodles were really good by the way..." Jimin adds, trying to lighten the mood.

Jin smiles a sad thin smile. "Thanks."

"Well let's take you to the hotel. It's become a hub for us or someth-"
Suddenly, you feel light headed and before you could even finish your sentence, your eyes blur as you feel yourself fall backwards.

You're in the purple field again.
In front of you is the girl. The girl who warned you about Luhan more than a month ago...

"I mixed in some Lazender berries with the star dust like the last time you met Luhan... so you can speak." She mumbles.

"H-how could you." You croak. "You're with Luhan. You're... one of the bad guys."

Her face softens with sadness.
"Y/N... I've been looking out for you for years. Why would I want to hurt my little sister?" She frowns.

You're frozen. Speechless.

She smiles. "I think it's about time I introduced myself. I'm Minji, eldest daughter of Pax."

You don't know what to say, but it all makes sense now. She can see visions of you and the Sins, a power only a Pax would have...

"I understand you're overwhelmed. But I'll explain it to you as best I can, okay?"

You nod.

"Around 15 years ago, Luhan came to power. He slaughtered his village, the council members and their entire family. Our parents got a vision of the anarchy that was to come so using the power of the Eclipses and stars, they sent each of you to earth."

"What about you?" You ask.

"... I was supposed to be sent last but they ran out of energy." She says bitterly.

"Luhan murdered our parents in front of me. He was going to kill me too when he decided to keep me under his wing instead. Ever since, I've pretended to be on his side. From the few hundreds of Orcus people he saved, there's many who are like me, there's many who want to see him overthrown."

"You're... the eldest. Surely that means the throne is yours? You're the Pax?"

Minji shakes her head.
"It's not that easy. When we're born, our parents get visions of our future. They saw me me taking another path and you becoming the Pax." She laughs.

"That's why I'm an alchemist." She says bashfully. "And you're the Pax."


"I'm sorry but I don't have much time. I'm here to tell you how to stop Luhan."
You nod eagerly at that.

"Before each of you were sent to Earth, the High council, each parent of the sin, coronated the children and passed their powers on to them."

"How?" You interject.

"It's a long ritual that we don't have time to discuss. Anyway, because of this, when Luhan killed the council members, he didn't absorb all of their powers. Which is why he wants you all dead, to gain power."

'So he wants the powers of the Sins for himself... that's why he came to me in my dreams and explained everything... he wanted me to find the Seven Sins and unlock their powers...' you think to yourself .

"So what you need to do, is become more powerful than him..."

You furrow your eyebrows.

Minji takes a breath and steps closer to you.
"You need to kill them Y/N. You need to kill the seven sins. That's the only way to stop Luhan-"

Your eyes shoot awake. You're on a bed in an unfamiliar room.
Your breathing quickens and you start hyperventilating.

"Hey hey Y/N I'm here." Jungkook says, rushing over to you from a chair.
He sits by you on the bed and pulls your head onto his shoulder.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asks soothingly as he strokes your hair.
You shake your head against his shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay now." He pulls you away to face him.
You tear up when you see him smile. That smile that's been melting your heart.

"No matter what happens..."
Jungkook says, softly cupping your cheeks and rubbing away a stray tear with his thumb.
"I'm with you."

You hug him again as he strokes your back until you back away and stare at him.
He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ears and you reach up to grab his hand.

I won't ever do it. I won't ever hurt any of them.
The thought of loosing him hurts your heart. You feel a sudden urge to lean in.

Suddenly, he leans in too and softly places his lips on yours.
You're startled for a moment but soon you melt into him. Everything about this moment is electric.

When you hear a the door knob turn, you quickly jump back and look towards the door.

It opens and Jimin steps through.
"Y/N! You're awake!" He smiles, rushing over to you.
"Were you crying?" He asks sadly, seeing your puffy eyes.

You get off the bed and dab at your eyes.
"I-I'm fine. We all need to talk."

Jimin looks worried but nods.
"We're all in Jins living room, lets go." He heads out the door.

Your turn back to Jungkook who has a mixture of emotions on his face.
You step towards him and bend down to lightly kiss him on the cheek.
"Thank you for making me feel better Jungkook." You mumble, a little bashful.
He smiles and nods nervously before you turn away to head towards the door.

Before you can leave, he stands from the bed and hastily grabs your hand.
"Y/N, what did you see?"

You look at him for a moment. Should you tell him? What good will that do?
You can't hurt them. You won't.

"There's no way to defeat Luhan." You lie.

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