33. Never

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You hold your belly and exhale.
"I'm stuffed!" You sigh.

Jungkook leans back in his chair as the waiters clear the table.
"Me too." He sighs with a content expression.

Jimin gasps out of the blue.
"The woman sitting at the table near the door called us pigs!"

"Woah, you can hear her thoughts from here?!" Namjoon asks with awe.

"Well yeah. I've figured out a way to only listen in when I want to. I just need to stare at someone and focus really hard." He says, pleased with himself. Taehyung raises his hand up and high fives Jimin.

"Alright kids, let's call it a night and head back to the hotel now." Yoongi yawns.

Hoseok shakes his head.
"There's not enough rooms for all of us there."

"I could compel them to give us a bigger room?" You suggest but Hoseok waves the idea off.

"We can just stay at the holiday home my parents gave me for Christmas. It's here in Busan." He shrugs.

Taehyung gasps. "Your parents just gave you a whole house?!"
Hoseok laughs and nods.

"How many rooms?" Jin asks, excited.

"Nine. We'll all get a room and even have a spare." He shoots back with a smile.

"Is it really okay for us to stay there?" You ask, not wanting to burden Hoseok.
He smiles and nods.

"Trust me, it's fine. We're all family anyway. Plus, it's nothing compared to our homes on Orcus." He frowns slightly, reminiscing the past.

Hoseok then goes to pay before the eight of you head to the hotel to pack up your things.
"Tell us more about Orcus." Taehyung asks as you near the hotel.

Hoseok nods. "It's gorgeous. The sky is a beautiful shade of purple and the dirt and grass are lilac. The air is... sweeter there. There's a lot of technology and herbs that can't be found on Earth." He sighs to himself.

Hoseok looks up at the dark night sky before diving straight back in.
"We lived in a gated community. Only the family members of the council lived there. Our houses were so close and we'd all play together. T-There's so many kids who didn't make it." He pauses, clearing his throat. You can tell he's trying not to break down.

"We eight were sent down first because we were the youngest. Our older brothers and sisters, cousins, friends... they clearly didn't make it..."

"My sister told me they ran out of energy before they could send them down." You tell Hoseok who nods and frowns in return.

"It must be hard for you to remember everything so vividly." Jin sighs, patting Hoseok on the shoulder to comfort him.

Hoseok musters a smile and shakes his head.
"I keep them in my heart. It's because of them I'm willing to stop at nothing to defeat Luhan."

"We're here." Yoongi says when you arrive at the hotel.
After packing your clothes and taking extra care to place the three ingredients for the elixir in your backpack, Hoseok calls a large taxi to take you all to his holiday house.

The word 'house' doesn't do the place justice. It's far bigger than you expected. The large mansion is fitted with sleek window panels and black wooden framework.
It's gorgeous.

You all coo with awe stepping into the extravagantly designed place.
"Make yourselves comfortable. The rooms are on the second and third floor, go pick!" Hoseok beams.

Taehyung grabs Jimin and immediately runs upstairs. The other boys follow, eager to pick the biggest room.

"Come on, lets get rooms next to eachother." Jungkook squeals, tugging your hand.
You smile and hurry up the spiral stairs with him.

You, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung stay on the second floor whilst Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon stay on the third.

After getting ready for bed, you yell goodnight from the door before making your way to the large, incredibly comfortable looking bed.

With a sigh of relief, you flop onto the bed and drift off to sleep...

The sky is cloudless as trees gently blow in the background. Then someone's blocking your view.

His eyes are teary and red. With a sniffle, he brings a hand up to your face, caressing it lovingly.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Forget about me."

You shake your head.
"No! Please don't Jungkook! Please!" You cry. You can hear your own voice cracking.

Jungkook shuts his eyes and lets out a shaky sigh before removing his hand from your face and dropping it to his side.

"No!" You exclaim, reaching out for him but he backs away and disappears.

With a gasp, you sit up on the bed. Your face is wet with tears as you look at the clock on the wall. 2am.

Not caring about the time, you quickly put on your slippers placed at the foot of the bed and rush to the door.
You swing it open and run down the hall to the bedroom next to yours.

You knock and wait. On the other side, you hear a groggy whisper. "Hello?... who is it?"
A few footsteps later, the door opens and Jungkook stands before you, rubbing his eyes, with a sleepy expression.

"Y/N?" He says, furrowing his eyebrows when he sees your reddened face and puffy eyes.
"Hey what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks, pulling you into the room.

Without wasting a single moment, you hug him tight.
You feel yourself sobbing again, wetting his shirt.

He soothingly rubs your back.

You pull away and look up at him.
"I had a really b-bad dream...I don't know if it was a v-vision." You cry. "...I hope it's not."

Jungkook cups your cheek and rubs your tears away.
"Do you want to talk about it?"

You vigorously shake your head.
"No... but Jungkook..."
you take his hands into yours.
"Would you ever... leave me?"

You hate yourself for sounding so pathetic but you don't want what you saw to actually happen.

Jungkook smiles and gently kisses your forehead.
"That's what you saw? Then it's definitely just a bad dream because I will never leave your side."


Jungkook ducks his head to collide his lips with yours. He places a hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer as you kiss him passionately.
Panting, you pull away and he pushes his forehead against yours.

"I love you Y/N." He whispers, nervously.
You widen your eyes at him.
He... said it!
Despite your teary face and red cheeks, you grin and crash against him again in a hug.

"I love you too."

2 updates in a day 😱.
I just love writing this story and your voting and comments really motivate me :) thank you all <3.

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