Chapter Four

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"Look at his eyes" A flashlight passed brightly over each eye almost painfully after being sat in the dark for the past twenty four hours. Or at least I think it's been that long based on the guard rotation.

"The guys a fucking freak. But don't get too close Todd, he's huge and infected." The idiot known as Todd corrected himself and stepped back a few paces at the reminder from his friend.

"He doesn't seem infected. I mean just look at him," Todd gestured to my still form strapped by the ankles, wrists and forehead to a stainless steel chair in the centre of the sterile medical room. "Dude hasn't tried to bite me once, he's like a giant puppy dog."

"The tests tell us that his blood is infected, Doc thinks the pathogen is evolving and that's why he's so coherent."

Let's just get this over with, the guy gives me the creeps." Todd handed over a needle from the tray on the counter behind him and his friend made his way over to me. I hissed as he roughly jabbed the sharp point directly into my vein and began syphoning my blood. They had been doing this every couple of hours and with the amount they were taking, I was surprised that I had any left.

I felt kitten weak, but I didn't fight it. I was doing this for Agnes and as long as she was safe I would sit here and take whatever they threw at me. I was just glad that my worthless existence was finally useful.

I had been a burden to those around me all of my life. I had never felt truly at home or welcome until I met the guys and then Agnes. Their acceptance and ease around me, calmed my stormy soul.

Jay and Connor had defended and protected me since the day they met me and now it was my time to repay them.

I was under no illusion that I would leave here any other way than in a body bag. I just hoped they knew that too and won't do anything stupid. I have accepted my fate and the thought that they're all safe and happy is what will get me through.

After Todd and Gary I think his name was, had finished their latest rounds of tests; I was finally wheeled out of the cold and sterile room out into the bright lights of the hallway.

The hallway was long and white, lined with hundreds of doors just like the one we had just exited. As we passed each one, the echoes of buzzing equipment mixed with gargles and screams filled my ears and in turn my chest with dread. I knew that they were testing on the infected, that was a given. What I hadn't anticipated was the scale in which they were doing it. Now the quietness of my journey made sense. The majority of the population had been affected by the attack so you would have expected the streets to have been over run and my trip here would have been perilous but instead, the roads were eerily empty. Mainly due to the fact that they were all trapped within this facility.

In my mind, this was just asking for trouble. From what i had seen from the last few weeks broadcasts, the infected were strong and unhindered by moral hesitation. Cramping all of that under one roof was a powder keg, ready to be lit. I just hoped that Agnes and the guys were as far away from here as possible when the shit eventually hit the fan.

I began memorizing each twist and turn we made in the hope of mapping out the facility in my mind. I had no plans to escape but having a back up plan couldn't hurt.

"Is he going to the pen?" Todd asked Gary questioningly.

"Are you a fucking idiot!" Gary snapped making Todd wince. "He's the docs star pet of the moment, the pen would eat him alive!"

Fuck, that didn't sound good. I prayed to God that they hadn't put all those people in one confined space. If they had, that powder keg already had a spark within reach.

"No, Doc has somewhere 'special' for this one."

The statement made me gulp due to the ominous tone to his voice. But I wasn't scared. No place could be worse than the crack den that I had been brought in with my mother. My mind unwilling went back to my newly discovered memories that Damian had protected me from for so long. Visions of dirty needles, grey mottled skin and underwear draped around bloated ankles made bile rise through my chest and burn my throat.

Damian was now a part of who I was since Agnes brought me back and right now, I could tell. The anger within me was palpable and the strength needed to control it was exhausting me with every new flashback that were now coming freely since my mental wall was removed.

I was finally pulled out of my own head when we reached my room. I looked around taking my surroundings. Yeah. I had definitely survived worse. This was going to be no holiday camp but I was pretty positive this place won't be the worse thing that has ever happened to me.

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