Chapter Twenty Seven

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I pulled behind the warehouse that I had originally hidden behind when I watched them take Blake in. I cringed as I saw his face rammed into the gravel, scraping his skin raw.

"What are we doing here?" Blake asked curiously from the seat beside me.

"Prisoners don't ride up front with their captors." I reminded him as I nodded over to the small window that separated the cab from the back of the van. The movement, releasing the scent from the uniform of the deadman I had peeled it from. I had washed and dried it the best I could but the mission was too time sensitive and I couldn't do the thorough job it needed. Hence why I was sat in slightly damp tactical gear that smelt of pure sewage. It was a constant battle not to vomit.

"Fucks sake!" Blake grumbled as he headed out of the cab, continuing to mumble under his breath as he headed around to the back of the van. If he's pissed now, he's going to be fucking livid in a second. I thought as I headed out after him and met him at the rear doors.

"I'm a big boy, I can get in by myself." He sarcastically claimed, raising a patronizing eyebrow at me.

'Yeah, but you can't strap yourself to a gurney..." I let the sentence trail off, waiting for the bomb to drop in three.. Two... One...

The moment it hit him his eyes blazed with barely contained fury, I took a step back, seeing his fight for control slipping. I had known Blake a long time but that didn't mean that I was immune to an ass kicking from Damian. I knew when to take a step back.

"Fuck no!" he roared "Not fucking happening, Jay!"

"We have to make it believable." I tried to reason but his anger seemed to keep building. The gold in his eyes beginning to glow.

"I'd rather wear the fucking mushy uniform!" He gestured to my stained outfit which was now beginning to really kick up a stink out in the harsh heat of the sun.

"You had your chance and you told me to fuck off!" I pointed accusingly at him "it's too late to get you another uniform and this one would be suspiciously small on you and would give us away before we even got near the gates!"

I could see he was ready to fight me on this so I held my hands up in front of me in a placating gesture and made him a compromise.

"How about I don't actually strap you to the gurney?" He raised a brow telling me to go on without asking "I could just thread the straps through the buckle without fastening them meaning you can break free at any time."

He stayed silent as he thought about it for a moment then finally agreed by climbing up into the back of the van and laying down on the gurney clamped into the floor. Jumping up behind him, I moved around the bed and threaded the leather straps through the buckles one by one. He gave a little a tug on one with his right wrist, breathing a little easier when he saw how easy it gave way. He let out a breath and most of the tension left his body now he knew he wasn't trapped. My heart broke at his fear of being helpless because I know what he had been through to put it there.

When I had finished strapping him down, I turned and headed for the door but before stepping out I turned and gave him one last look over my shoulder.

"Let's go get our family back."

A swift but determined nod was his only response before I jumped out and shut the doors. I headed back to the front and climbed into the driver's seat. Thankfully this van had been set back from the other so was completely untarnished because I had no idea how I would have explained the blood soaked interior of the second.

Dead Set - Book 2 of a Zombie Reverse HaremWhere stories live. Discover now