Chapter Twenty One

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Everyone was sitting around the bed, with the exception of me, I was still in Jay's arms. I'd refused to let go now that our time together was on a countdown. Connor and Blake had pulled their chairs to the bedside. The worry etched onto Connor's once unburdened face caused my breathing to quicken. Even in the most intense situations he has never looked this down trodden. This, beaten.

He forces a smile when he catches me staring, the jovial mask slipping back into place. But I see through it. I see through him. The urge to go to him overwhelms me, if it wasn't that Jay's need was greater, I would have him wrapped in my arms giving him comforting words and kisses. Holding my arms out to him, I tried to coax him to me but he just shook his head in refusal. I tried not to let it hurt me but damn if it didn't sting a little. The pain, bringing my focus over to Blake who had his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands and his fingers threaded into his jet black hair. Refusing to look at us altogether.

"I have no idea where to start with what I learned whilst in the ARC," Jay started. His voice raspy. I handed him some water from the bedside table. He gulped it down before handing it back with a flirty wink in thanks. Ever the charmer, even when on his freaking death bed. I shook my head in fake exasperation making him chuckle before he continued. "So I'm just going to follow Blake's advice and just tell it how it is. No sugar coating."

"You're stalling." I nudge him on.

"Sorry. There was a doctor there that ran the whole facility. He was responsible for all the cruelty and testing that was going on under that roof." A growl filled the room, snapping my head in the direction, Blake was scowling at us, the gold in his eyes glowing letting me know that he had also gotten the attention of Damian. Both of them, well aware of the doctor he was speaking about. I needed to find out what happened to him there. That's if he ever speaks to me again after this morning. A pang of sadness hit me at the thought.

"Yeah he was not a good guy. He was the embodiment of a mad scientist. His main lab was like a butcher's freezer with all the equipment to match. He was also keeping them alive trapped in morgue drawers in between experiments. God knows how long they had been in there"

A shiver ran through me at the picture Jay was painting. This doctor had lost his mind and was now torturing all those poor people under his care in that facility. Something had to be done... But what?

"So what does this have to do with Red? The docs batshit but where's the connection to our girl?" Our girl... That was just what I needed to hear today. My insecurities have been running rampant and Blake's actions had me questioning my place within their family. It was so good to hear that they still see me as theirs.

Jay took a deep breath, capturing our attention again. I braced myself for the bomb.

"His name was... Doctor Lefay-" He carried on talking to stop us from interrupting with our skepticism. "I know, I know, a name doesn't mean shit but you're his double, Agnes. The familial resemblance is uncanny." His hand came down to cup my face in a tender gesture as I looked up at him with so many questions in my eyes. "I think he's your father, Red."

A chorus of "fucks" rang out in the room as Jay dropped his nuke -not bomb as expected- into our laps. They all had visceral reactions to the news which I'm guessing is normal. I waited and waited for the anger, the shock or some fucking emotion to hit me at the revelation of finding out who my dad was and the fact that he was a psychopathic doctor that was out to capture and hurt my family. He had hurt my family. My eyes shifted to Blake where he and Damian were watching me intently with a blank look on his face. And that's just how I felt. Blank. Numb. I had no emotion over the news what-so-ever.

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