Reasons Why

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Chapter 25

Monika tossed and turned in Sayori's bed, whimpering at the terrible dream she was having.

(This is the dream so no one's confused lol)

Monika stared ahead into the black void surrounding her, unable to move.

"Monika~" her mother's voice echoed around her, though she couldn't move to see where it was coming from.

She felt an icy hand on her shoulder, gasping as tears suddenly began flowing down her face.

"We're so disappointed, Monika Everett Park." her mom said again, coming into view before her.

The hand on Monika's shoulder tightened as she tried to let out a scream of pain, yet was unable to form any sound.

"We don't love you. We never loved you. There's not a good thing about you!" her father's voice boomed over her shoulder while the hand became even tighter.

"You're such a failure. That little slut isn't going to love you. Why should she? You're nothing." her mother laughed.

"Why would anyone love you? Not even we loved you." her father cooed into her ear.

Monika tried to scream, beg her parents to admit they were only joking.

No sound left her lips as the hand slid up to tighten around her neck.

The sound of her parents laughter echoed around her as Monika silently cried, prying against the hand with her own as she was lifted from the ground.

She kicked and thrashed, tears spilling freely from her eyes.

"Moni!" a familiar voice called.

"Moni? Monika!"


"Monika!" Sayori called, softly shaking the girl's shoulder.

Monika had been whimpering in her sleep, fidgeting about and crying.

Monika woke with a gasp, jumping away from Sayori's touch with pure fear in her eyes.

"S-Sayori..?" Monika said slowly, her voice broken.

She threw herself into Sayori's arms, gripping Sayori by the shirt as she cried into the crook of her neck.

"Shh, Moni. It's okay. I'm here. I've got you. You're okay." Sayori said gently, stroking Monika's hair.

"S-Sayo?" Monika asked after a minute once she had calmed down enough to speak.

"Yes, Moni?" Sayori asked.

"Why? Why do you love me?" Monika asked, holding her shirt tighter as her hands began to shake from gripping too hard.

"What?" Sayori asked, not expecting that question.

She pulled away enough to see Monika's face.

"Monika I love everything about you." Sayori told her, gazing into her eyes.

"Don't lie to me!" Monika cried.

"Don't say things like that if they're not true!" she said hoarsely.

"Monika... Moni, I'm not lying." Sayori whispered, her voice pleading for Monika to believe her.

"No you don't... No one loves me! Why would you?!" Monika pulled out of Sayori's arms, immediately regretting it as she instantly cold and alone.

"Because you're amazing! Monika, nobody's perfect, but you are to me. You're smart, and funny, and kind, and insanely beautiful." Sayori explained, brushing some hair from Monika's face.

Monika turned her head, not wanting to listen.

"Moni... Moni I've loved you since I met you. Moni you're so incredible. Everything you do leaves me just stunned and speechless. I can't think around you cuz all I can think of is you and your hair and your eyes and just how much I really love you." Sayori pleaded, grabbing Monika's chin so she'd have to face her.

Monika looked to see the tears brimming in Sayori's eyes, the look of utter sadness and pain on her face.

"Sayo..." Monika whispered.

"Monika, I love you and everything you do. I love that you play piano. I love that you have a cat. I love that your hair is brown, your eyes are green. I love your lips and your hands and your legs and everything between and beyond. I love you inside and out. And I really love that you love someone like me. Someone who doesn't know how to love. Someone who doesn't deserve love." Sayori continued.

"There are so very many reasons I love you. Too many to say. But if that's what it takes to make you believe me, I'll say them all. I'll say how I love the way your hand feels in mine or your lips feel on mine. Or how I love it when you smile, and love it when you smile for me even more. And that's only the beginning." Sayori finished.

"Sayori, I..." Monika trailed off, blushing softly as she gazed at Sayori with pride, lust, adoration, and so many other emotions in that one moment.

Sayori silenced her by planting her lips to Monika's, kissing her with every emotion she was feeling times ten.

Monika kissed back desperately, wrapping her arms around Sayori's waist as Sayori lay atop her.

"Monika... I will never love someone else even half as much as I could love you." Sayori admitted, resting their foreheads together.

"I love you, too... I love you so much!" Monika pleaded, hugging Sayori tightly as she began crying once again.

"I love your voice, and your soft hair, and your smile, and your eyes. I love seeing you happy, and you even look cute when you're sad! I love your laugh and I love how soft your skin always is. I love how you always turn up the radio when a song you like plays and turn it back down when it's over, and how excited you get when Natsuki brings treats. I fall more in love with you everyday..." Monika said against her neck between hiccups.

"Me too, Moni. I love you more and more all the time. But never any less." Sayori said.

Monika yawned, burying herself deeper into Sayori's touch.

"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" Sayori asked.

Monika nodded weakly.

Sayori pulled the blanket back up, wrapping her arms around Monika as Monika climbed halfway on top of her.

She snuggled closer, sighing as she felt Sayori's arms wrap around her back.

"Goodnight, Monika." Sayori whispered.

"Night, Sayo... Love you..." Monika said as she drifted off.

"Love ya too." Sayori said, gently rubbing Monika's back until she was certain the brunette was asleep.

Sayori let out a breath of relief, smiling softly as she kissed the top of Monika's head.

She slowly fell asleep, holding Monika protectively in her arms.

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